~ Rules ~

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1 - Roleplay in 3rd person please!

2 - Yaoi and Yuri is totally acceptable!!

3 - Smut is not allowed, sorry >~<

4 - If you're not Roleplaying for a long amount of time (ex - 3 weeks) And I already tagged you, I'm going to reopen your character. Even if you're character was requested

5 - Cursing is not aloud.

6 - No commenting on others character if it's taken. You could pm me if you would like to Roleplay with that character

7 - Don't spam me if I don't reply and it's been an hour. Ex - Don't you dare delete your comment and make a new one and don't tag me along with your comment

8 - Now go.. Have.. Fun!

A Sad Love RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now