The case of the rejuved part 1

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After receiving an emergency message from two special agents Henry Jackson and Loren Skipper that have gone missing from the map special agent Dennis Caliber is sent in to investigate their disappearance and their reason for the message sent.

Tracking down their location and message sent from the West Dennis Caliber arrives in the town known only as "Paradise." He drives and see lots of cars with open doors and bikes with their keys left inside but no one to drive them insight. Dennis learns that the cars plates are the same plates from missing cars driven by people that have gone missing several years ago and have been missing for a long time.
Dennis then decides to leave the vehicles where they are for he then realises that he has more people to find out here.

After driving again he finds the town called "Paradise" and needs to go speak to the sheriff Ryan Lewis.

"Are you sheriff Lewis?"
"Who wants to know?"
"Special agent Dennis Caliber I'm with the CIA to investigate some missing people and some kind of message that came here."

"Okay? And what message?"
"We received an emergency SOS from this place a few days and these are photos of two agents that went off the grid after that message was sent."

"Well I'm no secret agent but I think your gonna have to talk to someone about these two cause I never seen them before in my life."

"Okay? Then who should I talk to?

"Try the mayor he knows people maybe even yours"

As Dennis walks around town to the mayors town hall he sees a lot of things that are unusual and not normal.
First he sees kids wherein get harnesses and leashes and weird collars like dogs.
Second he sees a boy and girl being forced to sit on some very uncomfortable corner stools with straps and spikes. He then hears and sees them crying, sniffing and sobbing in pain
Third he sees a boy getting spanked brutal long with a paddle which is NOT something you do to a kid. He then rushing and stops the abusive mother before she could hurt the boy.

"Hey hey hey what do you think your doing to this pour defenceless kid?"
"Why I'm teaching him a lesson not waste his money on stuff he doesn't need"

"That gives you no right to viciously hurt him like that."

"Says who?"
"Says me, come here kid."
"No Max you will not go anywhere until you receive your punishment."
"And I say he doesn't need something like all because of a little piece of money, come here max come to me."

Max then walks towards Dennis crying and sobbing

"Relax kid your not gonna get hurt you want me to buy you an ice cream?"
"Uh huh"
"Great then come with me away from this cruel mistress."

Max then begins to hyperventilate as he knows what's gonna happen next after his ice cream.

"One please, thanks"
"Here you go max."
"Feel any better now?"
"Why not? I got you an ice cream and away from your horrible mum."
"She's not my mum."
"Huh? What do you mean she not your mum I mean not saying it's bad or something what do you mean by that?"
"I'm not a real boy."
"Wait what?"
"I gotta go."
"Hang on there what do you mean your not a real boy?"
"I'm a rejuve."
"A what?"
"I can't explain here."
"Why not?"
"There watching us"
"Whose watching us?"
"The people of the town"
"The people of the town?"
"I gotta go somewhere I can't explain everything here meet me at the underground sewer network before midnight I'll explain everything there bye."
"The sewer network?"

Dennis makes his way to town hall and speaks to the Mayor Mcalister.

"Are you the mayor?"
"Pretty much who are you?"
"Special agent Dennis Caliber of the CIA. I'm here to find some missing people and report an abusive parent."

"First off I don't know any missing people and second what abusive parent?"

"There was a young boy named Max getting beaten up by his own mother and he was very terrified and crying I suggest you arrest that parent immediately."

"Max Uies mum Alison that's preposterous I've know Alison for years she's never beaten up any kids."
"Well I can tell you that I saw it with my own eyes."
"I wanna hear it from her and max."
"Very well let me just go find her and Max."
"Why she's already here."
"Hello mayor I believe I have something to say to this guy."
"Very well what is it?"
"I was taking Max to the store to buy some milk when I gave him some money to buy it. When he came back he bought chocolate and some toys instead. He decided to not listen to me and I had to give him something to remind him to do what he's told. A good bare bottom spanking."

"And this is the part where I say how could you do that to such an innocent child that is just wrong."

"Then this guy shows up and interrupts our session then he just takes him to buy an ice cream which he did not deserve at all."

"That's a lie, he deserved that ice cream just ask him yourself."

"Okay where is he?"
"Not here he ran away to get as far away from you as possible."
"You just let him run off like that?"
"He was in a hurry to get somewhere I tried to stop him but...

"You just let him run."
Mayor: "I'll send out a bulletin about one missing kid."

"Just don't let him get hurt in ANY type of way."

"Very well agent Caliber I won't let that happen."

And when the mayor leaves the room Dennis then says to Alison

"Listen you liar if you think I'm gonna let you hurt that kid your clearly mistaken. I won't let you harm him anyway ever."
"And you listen to me I'm his mother and what I say...
"No here's what I say max told me your not really his mother so quit pretending and give him back to his real mother or I'll bring him back to her myself."

When Dennis leaves the room Alison gets a very angry look on her face and crunches up her fists, meaning trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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