whats wrong

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"Your a dork Cindy, why don't you just go back to the hole you crawled out of?" said Abby. I can still hear her bitching at me as I walk down the hall and back to class. I'm sure she is right, why am I even here? No one likes me, no one cares if im at school or not. I think I'm just going to take the rest of the day off. So instead of going to my next class I skip it and start on my way home, my parents won't know they are always at work. On my way home I stop at the park and sit for awhile. Why doesn't people like me? Am I ugly or something? I just don't know anymore ever since that night. Shivers run down my spine from even thinking about it. So instead I get up and rush home.
Mom and Dad are going to be late tonight so I have to scavenge for something to make for dinner. Mom really needs to go shopping because all I found was poptarts. As I sit on the couch with my pop tarts someone knocks on the door, who could it be at this time of night? I walk slowly to the door and look out of the peep hole and see no one there. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, something isn't right. I step away from the door and check the rest of the doors and windows in the house to make sure they are all locked before going up to my room. As I lay there almost asleep I hear a tapping on my window, I immediately gets chills so I stay in my bed under the covers hoping it will go away or that my parents will be home. But it doesn't it just gets worse the tapping is getting harder and louder, I'm still refusing to even look at the window. All of a sudden it stops and I peek from under my blankets and see that no one is there. Maybe I'm going crazy.
Ugh its only Tuesday morning I wish I could sleep in especially after last night. I get dressed and go over to the window the noise was coming from, I notice a small crack that I don't remember it being there. I decide that it'll be OK and I go down stairs to see what's for breakfast. Instead I get a note stuck to the fridge reading "Got called in early, will be home later this afternoon". I guess I'll just go ahead on to school.
As I'm on the way to school I notice someone walking far behind me, its a man. It looks like the man from that one night. He has the same features tall, bulky, dark hair, and some kind of tattoo on his arm. If I could see the tattoo then it might confirm who is following me. I hurry up and turn and make my way to the bakery and he does the same. Huh he didn't follow me into the bakery I wonder where he went. I buy a small cupcake and walk out of the door. On my way out I saw him, his tattoo is the same, its the MAN FROM THE OTHER NIGHT! My heart starts to pound and I feel faint, only if I can make it to school I'll be fine. I hurry up and walk faster I can hear my pulse ringing in my ears as I do. I'm almost there not far now, I can still see him trailing me from behind I hope I make it. I finally reach the front door to the school, I turn around to look and he had vanished. This has been a weird couple of days.
School is almost over and for once I don't want to walk home, so I catch a ride from Morgan. I'm surprised she would drop me off at my house but maybe she felt sorry for me, wish I knew. As she drops me off I notice something in front of our front door its a box, I take it inside hoping mom will be home. I finally found her in the kitchen, she had been making dinner. She looks at me with a puzzled look and asks me what's in the box. I have no clue, I tell her that I found it, she makes me hand it to her. As she starts to cut the box we start to smell something rotten, we both just stare at the box scared to think what's in it. But she keeps opening it, I'm terrified of what we see. In the box is two dead rats with a note, moms hands are shaking as she reads it out loud "you are next" her head turns and looks to me for an answer. But for once I don't have one...

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Trouble जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें