Coming back

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Jackson Avery's POV:

As I walk in to Seatle grace I stop in my track and look at the woman that left me 6 years ago.

"Hi" said a little girl that looked like April and me a little.

"Hey where's your mommy" I said with a smile.

She turned and pointed to April. And my heart broke.

"Ok let's go. What is your name?" I ask.

"Ok and Avery. What is yours?" Avery asked.

"Jackson Avery" I said and smiled at how April named her after me.

"Cool can I call you Dr. Jackson." She asked.

"Yes-" but I was cut short by a voice.

"Avery there you are." It was April.

I turned to her and she froze.

"You named her Avery." I said "How sweet April" with a smile.

"Thank you. Jackson we need to talk" she said.

"Yes we do"I said with a grin

April Kepner's POV:
He already met her great.

"So my place at 8:00." He said.

"Sounds good." Was all I could say.

"You can not bring her though" he said

"Ok Jo could watch her." I said.

"Great" he said.

                                           After work

Dr. Avery's POV
J:So what do want to talk about.


J:she is a nice kid where is her dad

A:you are her dad

I just kissed her she pulled away

A:I don't think we should.....

J:Why not

A:Here. I don't think we should here.

She backed up turned and went in to my bedroom. I just smiled.

J: are you sure

A: very

We spent tonight making love.

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