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Having just moved here a year before high school made everything so much more difficult. I had a few friends but everyone knew at least someone who already went to the school. I had only met a girl immature enough that most of her friends were in middle school, so she doesnt really count. But I was horrified. I'd moved enough times to know a new school is like a new life. You have to start all over again. The only difference here was that i had one good friend and a few backup friends to rely on.

And god I desperately needed better backup friends. All that I had were awkwardly annoying and/or druggies. Living with that was already insane, since where I used to live no one did any drugs, except for that one guy who got sent to rehab. I swear everyone here had at least tried it.

On the other hand there were also so many over the top goodie goodie girls that were so optimistic itd make you want to choke them. A pessimist like me couldnt handle that. And they were clingy. Oh so clingy. If they thought they were your friend theyd follow you around and constantly ramble on and on about things that didnt matter. One of them even told me about how she was madly in love with this boy but would never date him for the sake of her family. She was an oddball.

Of course there were the emo kids, of which i seemed to fit in with quite well at the time. My boyfriend of a few months was a happy emo. Ended well though, mutual breakup. Pretty sure I only dated him because he looked slightly like Gerard Way.

Luckily though, the emo kids were how i managed to make great friends. I walked into this short puerto rican girl who was intensely headbanging. I had to ask what she was listening to, turned out to be Avenged Sevenfold. Id never heard of them so shed shown me a few songs and suddenly we seemed close, she was how i managed to meet my best friend, Lexi.

Lexi was friends with the other girl, amd seemed angry whenever she saw me talk to her. Id concluded she was best friends with the girl, that or had anger issues. For months she ignored me, glared at me, and just generally avoided me. I didnt try too hard to befriend her either, though i had a feeling we could be close.

Soon, however, through a conversation about black veil brides we clicked. From then on we were best friends, like me and her against the world. Plus we shared quite a bit of mutual hatreds.

Through time we grew closer and hung out more and even became part of the kpop fandom together. And all that was 8th grade year.

High School loomed over us like a monster, but we were ready to face it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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