What you Need to Know about Secret Yandere

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Types of writing:
     An underline sentences is usually were the scene in the story is taking place. You might not see this too much. You might find these in class periods

An curvy sentences is usually a dramatic scene. You might see this a lot. Like when the police come to the school because of a murder taking place on school grounds.

A bold sentence usually means yelling words, information, or screaming. Example: "A bloody knife!"

A bold,curvy,underlined sentence usually means a flashback. Example:
GG remembered when she witnessed someone murdering her BFF. "GG! HELP!" She screamed. "Your "BFF" won't be helping nobody." The killer gave a icy stare to GG. "Tell anyone about this, and you're NEXT!" The killer screamed at GG.

A curvy underlined sentence is usually hints to the next story of a secret yandere. Example: Maxwell saw a girl give his best female friend an evil stare. As his friend told him "She-She wants to kill me."

A bold, underlined sentence is references or puns: Example: Kim had to shit so badly but Mia was on the toilet. Kim crapped in the sink in the kitchen. (From the movie Bridemaids)

A normal sentence is just telling the story. Example: Y/N sat down next to Nellie as her pale cheeks quickly turned red.

           Y/N: You! Pretty much the type of person you are

Nellie: The secret yandere

Mia: The tsundere that likes you

Tiffany: A good friend of Nellie and you

Vanessa: A dandere that likes you

Melissa: Your younger sister

Emma: Your older sister

Mrs. L/N: Your mother! Nellie finds Mrs. L/N the best teacher

Ms. Candy: Insane teacher

Miss Kagami(I HAD TO! I LOVE THAT ANIME!): The teacher that likes u

Mr. Yu(pronouned as "Ba-woo"): Weirdest teacher

Mrs. Yu(pronouned as "Ba-woo): Second weirdest teacher, the other teacher that likes you

Mrs. Retona(pronouned Re-ta-on-nah): Tiffany's mother!

Mrs. Row: Nellie's mother!

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