James and Isobele One-Shot Series

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"James, come on. Just tell me." I begged, rolling over in bed facing him. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." he said, a smirk threatening to break out on his face. 

"You're an ass, you know that?!" I groaned, rolling back over and throwing my arm over my eyes. 

James had accidentally let it slip that he had a Christmas Surprise for me, but refused to give me any hints. 

This was now our fourth year together. The end of our senior year of college. Our fourth Christmas together. Over 1500 days of our lives spent together. 

We had our good days and our bad, our happy and our sad. The fact of the matter was, that every day spent with him was new and exciting, and it left me in a breathless whirlwind of love, admiration and wonder. 

"Calling me names isn't going to get you any closer to an answer." James laughed, scooting over closer to me. 

My eyes were covered so I couldn't see him, but I could feel his body next to mine, heat radiating off of him. 

I uncovered my eyes, only to see his face inches from mine. 

Our junior year we had moved into our own apartment by the school, together. My parents hadn't been too thrilled with the move, but I was too old for them to really have a say in the matter. So far, my promise to my mother had been kept and I was working, going to school, and child-free. 

"Hey there." James smiled, stroking the side of my face with his hand. 

"Hi," I smiled, reaching over and touching his face in a similar manner. 

James closed his eyes at my touch, pressing his face into my palm. 

"Goodmorning." he murmured, kissing my hand gently, his breath and lips tickling me. 

"Can we just go back to sleep?" I grumbled, snuggling in closer to him, our legs tangled up together, our chests bumping together as we breathed in and out. 

"As tempting as laying in bed with you all day would be, sadly, you have to go to work, and I have a class to teach." he reminded me, disappointment tainting his voice. 

I pouted, jutting my bottom lip out, and giving him my best "puppy dog" eyes. The look he couldn't resist. Usually. 

"I'm not letting you out of bed until you give me a hint." I informed him, drawing the conversation back to the most important matter at hand; whatever this surprise was. 

A smirk dashed onto his face, and in an instant he was laying on top of me, pinning me to the bed underneath him, mischief flashing in his eyes. 

"You, my dear, have finally given me the perfect reason NOT to tell you anything." he laughed.

I groaned and he leaned forward and kissed me, still laughing at me. Our usual mornings. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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