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If I took the pills the doctor made my mother buy ten bottles of at a time, I'd be fine for a few hours; if I drank two in the morning and two at lunch, I'd be fine for the entire day. If it were possible, I'd take the entire bottle at once if it meant that I'd be fine for my entire life, but that was complete bullshit—and it made me pee too much.

Today seemed peculiarly dark and depressing, even after I took two of the tiny blue pills on my tongue. Actually, it made it kind of worse. I dragged my body around. My Mom had to ask if I had gotten some kind of zombie virus. It didn't lighten up, though, even after I took another two in between second and third period. Everyone seemed too loud, and they all seemed to have these little smiles on their faces. Mocking smiles. "You're so pathetic" smiles. By the time I got to lunch, I was fighting back tears because the straining pain in my throat was too much.

This one guy noticed that; this one guy came up to me and began to throw these sharp ended questions at me, and this guy, he began to annoy me.

He agitated the voices, and at one point, I banged my head against the desk. He called me a fucking weirdo and went back over to his friends. They all were laughing, or at least I think they were. That guy, Dirk Wesley, was red in my eyes. He was laughing the loudest. So I got up and dragged myself over to him. He smirked, and I kicked him right between the legs.

It felt good to hear his loud shriek of pain, and then suddenly drop to his knees. The voices got louder and louder, and then it just... stopped.

So I laughed. Only I laughed.


Blue Ghosts is a work of pure fiction, but entails real feelings of real people, and real consequences of real time events. You may interpret certain part of this story as a euphemism for something else, but just know that characters, settings and certain circumstances that may be similar to others (fact or fiction) are completely coincidental.

Before you read, Blue Ghosts is also a host to themes such as: depression, self-harm, suicide, physical, verbal and mental abuse. If you are triggered easily by such themes, please do not venture any further.

/ I'd like to thank you for reading Blue Ghosts! I'll try my best to update as regular as possible. Please remember to leave your thoughts and/or questions about this story in the comments below, and I will try my best to respond to you (:

Blue Ghosts
©June, 2016
All rights reserved.

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