Chapter 1

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Naruto Uzumaki was one such boy who had fallen prey to the horrors of his world, living with a beast inside him whom wanted him dead, while living as a pariah in the village he was supposed to keep safe. Naruto was an odd one, to many people in fact, who could not understand why he was the way he was.

"If that was me, I would have killed myself or gone insane..." One Ino Yamanaka blanched as she saw all of the glares being sent towards the boy sitting a few seats away from her, looking completely oblivious to the growing hatred being thrown his way by teachers and students alike.

Well, see, Naruto wasn't odd per say, he was unique, one of those extraordinary few who ever walk the earth, or in this case, the Elemental Nations. Naruto was the son of an intelligent and powerful man, as well as a woman who would always get right back up and do what was best for the village she loved no matter what they had done to her. These traits, though at first glance you would think only one had been passed on, were both present in their blonde headed son. For while his diehard devotion prevented him from hating the people and his village, it did not stop him from becoming very depressed and almost willing to kill himself if it would make the villagers happy. This was where that intelligence came in. He often questioned his life, questioned himself, the villagers, nature, and every little thing around him. And hence he had come to the conclusion that he had to be alive if he was to protect his home to the best of his abilities, which kicked in personality trait #2.

Naruto seemed stupid, in a literal sense more than a derogatory sense, because when he was younger he was not given the same education as those his age were, and therefore could not read, barely knew how to write or spell, and he had some made up words of his own that he had misinterpreted to be the actual words. For instance, Dattebayo was not an actual speech impediment, it was what he had believed meant the phrase, "Believe it!" Thereby trying to get others to believe in what he himself so devotedly believed in. Often times people didn't believe him at all, so he said it most all of the time to try and make people understand how serious he was about his beliefs. In actuality, the saying was meant to be, "Sore o shinjite!"

Naruto also acted the way he did because of his fears. He didn't want to be alone, he didn't want people to hate him, and he didn't want anyone else to have those same fears as he did. So he slacked off until he was the dead last, therefore no one would have to deal with the cruelties of the other kids, then he played the part of the delinquent, which got him a few friends (who were also 'bad' kids), and he played the part of the fool as well, which made people too annoyed with his pranks and foolery to remember to hate him.

Naruto's fears changed over time to something deeper: I don't want to lose my friends, I don't want to lose control over the fox and destroy everything, I don't want to get taken away by the Akatsuki... There were obvious reasons he had such fears, or atleast in his own mind there were. If his friends knew about the fox, they would either hate him or treat him differently, the first rather likely once they learned that he was the reason the Akatsuki had killed so many of their loved ones. The fox still hated his guts, though he tried to be friends with it since it was alone and had experienced much pain like him, and wouldn't hesitate to use his emotions against him to possibly break the seal and kill everyone. Then, well, the Akatsuki had stated their goal of collecting all nine bijuu, and Naruto had one inside of him!

This was when he had decided if he was to keep his fears from becoming a reality, then he would have to stop being a fool and playing around. Hence why while he only had a few new tools added to his arsenal, they were all extremely devastating in power depending on how they were used.

It was a harsh time for Naruto during all his life, especially when he did lose one of his friends, and another had almost died, some did die, and so on. His mind was so fragile that it was basically shattered into a few large pieces like an island breaking apart. On each of these pieces were a different personality, some strong, some weak, some innately evil or good. Luckily, or unluckily, the 'fool' personality was trapped with the fox, and therefore became his dominant personality, the one that people on the outside would always see.

In a world where everyone has hated your existence from the beginning, you can either go down the easy road and become exactly what they say you are, or you can deviate from such a path and take the long rocky road to proving them all wrong.

Naruto chose the hard one, and he succeeded.

<Hello, readers. This is Author-sama speaking, or soon to be supreme overlord of all things =) Anyways, I would really appreciate some feedback on these little tidbits. Do they sound plausible, are they intriguing, do they bore you, what do you like or dislike about them, should I keep going or not? I realize I may have not went very deep with Naruto and his own life, and I sincerely apologize if that is the case. Please let me know if you think there is something I could add onto other characters in their own chapters. I plan to do many more if this is a successful sort of 'story' but for now I will most likely start with the six I mentioned in my summary and see where it goes from there! Bye~ and I don't care about votes, I really just want some feedback... Please no flames though.>

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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