Chapter 1

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☆Normal POV☆

Lucy stopped for a second a looked up at the sky. The sky was dull and filled with black and grey clouds. It was going to start raining pretty soon. Even so Lucy didn't bother to bring an umbrella even though she knew it was going to rain today.

Rain was something she enjoyed a lot. It reminded her of Juvia and Aquarius. Two old friends that was like family, that was both gone. A single tear escaped Lucy's eyes. The once chocolate brown eyes that was filled with warmth, happiness and kindness was now gone. Her eyes were dull and the warmth was gone. Instead of kindness and happiness was sadness and pain. A pain screaming for someone to comfort her and make it go away. Sadness that no matter how many tears was she'd wouldn't go away.

Lucy looked down on the ground again and sighed. The world just felt dull without Fairy Tail. It just felt wrong to not have Natsu constant yelling or Gray constantly stripping. Happy teasing her all the time and Mira messing with her love life. Or how Wendy and Erza always sat there at the bar eating cake. Laxus and Bickslow being perverts and commenting on who they wanted to bang next. Asuka running around the guild hall playing with everyone. Freed staring at Mira with love in his eyes. Levy and Gajeel in the back with Pantherlily talking and reading. Well Levy was the one that read, Gajeel and Lily mostly ate kiwi and iron or bothering Levy. Evergreen and Elfman having a old married couple fight like always before blushing when Laxus just tells them to go and bang each other already. Heck she even missed being groped by Cana. And everyone else in the guild,no the family.

Continuing walking down the road the blonde mage sighed once again. 'Why didn't you take me with you Natsu?' It broke Lucy's heart every time she thought about Natsu. All she wished was that he had taken her with him. But now it wasn't so, he left her to watch over the guild. A guild who disbanded the next day leaving her all alone. Not one of them had bothered to even make a call to her or visit her. She knew that they knew where she was. But no not one, not even Levy or Wendy came to visit. Even so she had dropped by and said hello from time to time.

Lucy wiped away the tears that had escaped her eyes. Why she was still crying was beyond her. She felt like she should be used to it by now. Being all alone in a cold world. We're no one cares about you. Well that's how Lucy felt right now after all they had all left without a goodbye, only Wendy said good bye.

"Pun pun" Lucy's snapped out of the thoughts at the sound. "Are you alright miss Lucy? I'm sorry" Slowly she turned around to see Aries and Plue behind her. That's right she remembered, 'I'm not alone, I still have them' Tears welled up in Lucy's eyes as she smiled a heart warming smile. Throwing herself at Aries and Plue hugging them like no tomorrow.

Aries smiled as she patted Lucy on top of her head. Lucy was really adorable and kind for a celestial mage. Normally celestial mage were cruel and abused there spirits. But not Lucy, no she would rather die than to let a spirit suffer. There was not words to describe how much Aries loved Lucy. Because Aries love for her master, no friend was beyond anything. She also knew that all her spirit friends felt the same way she did. They all loved and adored Lucy with all their heart.

Plue hugged his mother back as he wiped her tears. He hated when mother cried, her brown eye were not made for tears. No they were made for happiness and kindness. Always shining in them lighting up the room. And her smile that made anyone that saw it wanting it to exist forever. The golden blonde hair that looked perfect on her without even trying. She was really the perfect mother, and all his brothers and sister in the spirit world felt the same. The moment Plue first meet her he had already decided to protect her forever.

"Are you all right now miss Lucy? I'm sorry" Aries asked with a small smile as she let go of Lucy. The blonde celestial maiden smiled back at her friend. "Yeah I'm fine thanks for coming, Aries, Plue, please do tell the others that I'm fine and not to worry." Plue did his usual "Pun pun" and Aries nodded before they both puffed back into the Celestial world.

Celestial Ninja, Naruto/ Fairy Tail CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now