The Fearless Protagonist

635 71 348

Melanie Martinez-Mad hatter ***



Point of view.


What is fear?

That's a strange question, isn't it?
Then again, I asked and did things a whole lot stranger. So why ask a question that everyone knows the answer to? Well, that's just it. I really don't know what fear is. Or, in this case, never felt fear. My heart had never beaten out of my chest, and I had never stood frozen on one spot, peeing in my pants.

Whenever a threatening situation came my way, I felt the opposite.


Any normal person would be asking,'Who's this crazy person?'

Well, as a young girl, people thought I was weird and not just your normal every day weird.

In my opinion, there are four types of weird.

There is 'normal weird' for the people who are still normal and do normal everyday tasks like texting and talking to their friends. But they have a side to them that tends to do crazy things that other people find strange.

'Crazy weird' are people who are wild and don't live according to others' rules and lives without boundaries. They are mostly known for being rebels or rule breakers. The bad boys and girls.

There's 'creepy weird' a 'perfect' name for the people who love scary, gruesome things like horror, blood, monsters, and so forth. Or can have a strange interest, for example, dressing up like a porcelain doll... Every day... All-day.


We have someone like that in the orphanage. Not judging, if anything, I find her cute.

Then there is 'messed-up weird'. For the people who are criminal masterminds and have a murderous consciousness. Yes, I am talking to the thieves and stalkers of the world.

I am all of the above



I am not a stalker.

A thief...



For starters, I study monsters. I am passionate about studying them. I like their stories and history and what they are capable of. I would rather read about them than socialize or do other 'stuff' kids my age do. I study from old-school monsters to new and improved monsters, but my favorites are the classics. Like vampires.

Real Vampires.

The kind that bites and is scary to human beings.

Where do I get this research from?

From my mom's old monster books. She left them for me when she passed away. I have a trunk full of them in all colors and sizes.

It's funny enough that the trunk didn't burn along with the house...

*clears throat.*


My past got stuck in my throat.


Second, I don't scare easily. No, really, I was never scared of anything.

One time, the orphanage sent me to a psychologist, and he looked freaked out by the end of all the basic sessions. He even vowed never to see me again. I am glad we had a mutual understanding. He really got on my bad side that day.

ANTI-PHOBIA: FEARLESS Where stories live. Discover now