A magical romance

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I just wanted to clear a few things up while I'm active! I have corrected any grammar/spelling mistakes in the book, and have slightly edited it (no big differences though!) and also, I never in a million years my book would get so many reads! It makes me so happy to hear people enjoying what I've written, and I love your reactions! It makes me smile to look back and see the amount of reads and favourites as I wrote this for one of my friends, not thinking much of it! Thank you for all the support! :D

Your pov

It was just another day living in the Sakamaki household with the six sadistic males. You slowly paced up and down the hall, regarded with a contemplative look. You wanted to show him how you felt.

"Hey-what are you doing?" wailed Reiji as he made his was to the study. "None of your business" You muttered under your breath, just loud enough for him to hear. He scoffed as you slowly made your way past him, down to Ayato's room where he normally was. You raised your cold, pale hand to the door. You slowly placed it against the eerie looking thing and after a few minutes of over thinking it you, had the courage to knock. There was no answer after a few seconds so you knocked again. Still no answer. You had got tired of waiting and gradually opened the door. You poked your head in slightly. You burst into tears and ran as fast as you could.

Ayato was in bed with the inept idiot, Yui . Damn that floozy bitch with her "perfect hair" and "perfect body". They were sleeping together. You ran back to your room, hearing Ayato calling from behind. Tears were dripping down your delicate face. You ignored him and ran into your room, locking the door behind you. You climbed into your bed, placing your face in your hands, you screamed like you had been stabbed. You couldn't believe it. Why her? You cradled yourself, and slowly began falling asleep.


You awoke from your sleep with a tear soaked face, still upset from the sight you didn't want to see, and hated.You rubbed your eyes, and turned to the clock. It was dinner time. You climbed out of your bed, sluggishly making your way to the dining room. You hung your head low. Your head was still all over the place. You had feelings for him, but you never realised they were this extreme. You went to pull out your phone, when all of a sudden, you were pulled into a cupboard, hands slithered around your waist, the grip tightening. You struggled and tried to scream but at this point, your mouth was covered by a sweaty palm.

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