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I was born the second eldest child of the Watkins family. I had one older brother and two younger ones. I had approximately one sister, almost two if one of my mother's children weren't stillborn.

I had been raised perfectly fine, without an ounce of cruelty, up until I turned ten, but that's beside the point. After all, I'm talking about my family here.

I, Impetuosity May Watkins, was born in Kingstown. But, as that was a 'humans only' city, we moved to Chicago, Illinois. It wasn't necessarily close, but there were a lot of good deals that my parents couldn't refuse.

I was always the black sheep of my family. Reason one, I wasn't human. Reason two, my entire family were kind, mild-mannered, quiet people. I screamed, yelled, and I'm terribly stubborn. It sucks.

Hey, did you know being a certain type of illness affects your intelligence, speed, and strength?

Yeah, I'm a retarded, normally-sped, and overly-strong disease. It sucks, like I said earlier.

I was nothing like my first friend, and I was his first too, Social Anxiety.

He was lucky. His dad was also Anxiety... but just anxiety.

Social Anxiety was smart,  quick, and a total weakling. He was incredibly pale too. Not only that, but he was afraid of people. Not just diseases or humans. People in general. I don't know what was so different about me, but... he's cool.

Social Anxiety didn't come with me when I moved out of town to Oasis Hollow, a small little town that wasn't nearly as ghetto as Chicago.

I bought a cat just before that, she was one. I named her Ayano, after the girl in the anime I was watching when I got her. She does a lot of things that I consider stupid, but she's adorable, so...


I suppose you're still reading this?

That's weird.


You're weird.

Anyways, I guess that's all... FOR NOW. MUA-HA-HA.

... Which means I'm going to tell you about my high school days. Pretty scary, huh?

Good day to you, sir.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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