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    It hadn't occurred to Jimin when he was younger that he could have any siblings. His mom had never announced a new arrival, so why would he even think about it? Did he want siblings? Maybe. His heart really wanted someone younger than him to protect, someone he could have a close relationship with. He repressed that small desire and kept it to himself. It was a small wish that he never let others know about.

    One day, he'd learned that his father had a mistress when Jimin had been young. It made him curious and he wondered about her. He was slightly bothered that his father would cheat on his mom, but he wanted to know who this woman was. He started to search for information and learned menial facts, like how she was an American foreigner who'd come to Korea to work for his father's business. Jimin didn't care much about this as he had when he'd learned that she had a child during the same time that her and his father were supposedly together. His mind was racing and he started to look more into information about the child. This baby girl was born with his father's blood and was adopted into an American family. The mistress had an older Polish friend who's son wanted a child with his girlfriend who couldn't have children. So, the girl was given to this family as his father's mistress couldn't reveal that she had been in the relationship.

    Jimin sat in shock, looking over the new information and letting it sink in. A smile slowly grew on his face as he realized that his dreams were coming true. Without hesitation, he quickly found where she was currently. A blooming middle school teenager in a lesser known town. At that moment, he made a vow to himself that he would continue to watch over and protect this girl in any way he could. It was so important to him that his little half sister to be loved and protected that he would grow upset that she wouldn't know about his protection over her. He wanted her to know that he would always be there as an older brother, even if he couldn't be there for her.

    Over the years, Jimin collected documents of his sister and pictures of her growing up in a small box. He kept this to himself and hid it to prevent others from peeking at his treasure, the one thing he kept closest to his heart. Even as he grew up and left home to join his group, BTS, he took the box with him and never showed the members. In moments that he found to himself, Jimin would check on her, instantly brightening his day to know that she was okay. His secret had been discovered by one of the members, but Jimin was able to convince them to keep it to themselves and not tell the other members. With this, Jimin finally had someone he could talk to about his hidden hope. He could say just how much this meant to him when the others weren't looking.

    The year his sister turned 17, she had been announced to attend a school in Korea. Jimin couldn't believe that he was going to be in the same country as his sister, much more the same city. It made him unusually happy and it showed around his other members. He was pulled aside by a certain member who, upon learning this new fact, instantly suggested going to meet her. Although Jimin wasn't sure about telling her about her true blood lineage, agreed to meeting her.

    Jimin walked up to the school that was buzzing with its first day. He hid behind sunglasses and a dark hoodie, exploring the grounds. He thought the school was nice and thought to himself that his sister would definitely like it. It was only now hitting him how hard it would be to find his sister in the entire crowd of students herding in. He sat near the entrance, scanning all of the faces to find her. The crowd thinned after a while and Jimin became discouraged as he didn't see the familiar face he'd been hoping to see. He had practice to go to that and he had already waited too long as it was. Jimin walked off of the school grounds with his head down, hiding his features from curious eyes. Unfortunately, he hadn't seen the rushing student in front of him and their heads hit. Jimin and the student fell on the ground, books raining down around them. Jimin rubbed his head as a book's corner had hit him and he picked up his broken sunglasses with a grimace. He tossed them aside and helped the student pick up their things. When he handed back the books, both stopped and stared at each other.

    It was her. This was the moment he could finally meet his sister. He'd found her.


Alright there's that. I know, I know. We gots to know the background though.

Also, cover photo done by JaeJaeLinn
Great job man ^u^
Cuz check out dem stories

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