The Broken Heart

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I cried.

I cried again.

And again.

And again..

Until I felt like I'd been crying for years...

I looked up, seeing the giant gaping hole that brought me here.... to this underground... to this cave... to my death.

My heart was throbbing painfully with anxiety, fear stealthily crawling inside, and continuously planting its demonic seeds.

The darkness around me limited my sight and automatically, my ears perked up to hear any sound. This place reeked of death.

Darkness was swallowing all light above as the sky turned a pretty shade of pink and orange.

I needed to get out.

Screaming for help wasn't an option, as I'd already tried that before. And I didn't dare open my mouth for the fear of something hearing me now that it had gotten dark.

I started sniffling again. If only had I not tripped on that damn vine. I hate nature...

I cursed myself for being clumsy. Sure, maybe running away into the woods after a fight with my sister is a pretty dramatic and dumb thing to do, but don't blame me. I was mad, alright? I didn't know what I was doing. I mean, wouldn't you get mad if your sister stole your stuffed goat? No? Okay, okay, maybe I have a problem.

How long had I even been here? Did anyone even miss me? Were they searching for me now? I sure hoped so.

I need to stay hopeful. I need to stay determined.

Well, that determination sure is decreasingly. And rapidly, too.

I wiped my red-rimmed eyes and my wet cheeks with the sleeve of my sweater.

I can do this.

I looked back into the darkness.

I think...

I stood up from the patch of golden flowers, my joints aching as if this movement was the first I had made in years.

It was turning night soon. I didn't have any choice but to dwell deeper into this darkness, hoping I'd find something. If I stayed any longer, some weird rabid bear might come and eat me.

I started tip-toeing forward, careful not to trip over any weird rock or vine or anything. Like I said, I hate nature...

After my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I let out a shrill gasp. At least a dozen frogs were staring at me. I stumbled back and tripped over something again, making me hit the dirty ground. My head swiveled around to come face to face with another frog.

For a second, it seemed like time had stopped. I surrendered myself to it, merely hoping that it'd be over quick.

It looked into my eyes for a second, then in a flash, ran away and hid behind a rock. I looked at the others and noticed that they too were cowering. From who? Me? Why?

I wandered forward, less scared, but more confused. What is was on? I was incredibly lost in thought. Then suddenly-

I ran into a wall. I rubbed my face - more importantly my nose - while muttering curse words.

I looked up to see a large pillar, making an archway. Grabbing my nose, I walked through, turning up my nose and a weird smell in the air.

In this next portion of the ruins, a small yellow flower lay with its head pointed downwards.

The Broken Heart - UndertaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang