In through the window and out with a 'bang'

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"Come over," he said, the Raven chuckling at how desperate Kenny sounded. "Why don't you come over here?" He asked while he laid in bed, about to take a nap even though it would turn into more of sleeping since it was 9pm or so. That was until Kenny called of corse. "Fine. Since you don't want to get up. You're so lazy you know that? You should really stop sleeping so much and spend more time with your boyfriend. This relationship is going no where with you being like this Tucker." He said, getting up and getting dressed as he continued to ramble, sneaking out his window and walking to Craigs while staying on the phone with him. "Babe calm down. I don't want to come over because Kevin's there and you know what happened last time." He said, Kenny just smiling to himself while pulling up his hood over his head to cover his ears that were beginning to get cold from the chill in the air, his words turning into a light fog as he spoke, "Yeah I know. Let's not talk about Kevin. I missed you. You should've just ditched that boring family vacation and you and i could've stayed at your house..." He said before a smirk formed on his face, continuing "All alone. Just you and me in your bed. Shit your parents aren't home right now are they?" He asked and Craig blushed lightly while getting out of bed to raise up his window for Kenny to climb up when he got there "They're here so we can't get too close tonight. Come in through the window." He said and Kenny sighed as he saw Craigs house in the distance, sigh vanishing as soon as he saw his beautiful boyfriend in the window of the house. Damn did he look good in the moonlight. Not to mention he was shirtless. Suddenly he wasn't as cold as before. Metaphorically speaking anyways. His ears and nose still felt like Ice. "alright. We'll continue this little talk when I get up there." He said and Craig just simply hung up, tossing the phone to the side and leaning against the wall as Kenny climbed up and pushed himself inside, shutting the window once he was in there "Hey there sexy. Miss me?" He asked, arms moving around his waist, Craig just chuckling and adverting his eyes to the side before back at him while he put his arms around Kennys shoulders and reached behind him to close the blinds before smiling and pushing him against the wall, covering his neck in short sweet kisses while tickling his sides. As the blond struggled underneath of him not to laugh he wrapped his legs around him as well to where his body was wrapped around Craigs, giving the once 'lazy' male the advantage to take him over to the bed where he laid him down and stayed on top of him, Kennys legs still around his waist and Kennys arms still around his neck while Craig held him by his sides. Once they were on the bed he removed a hand from his side and laid it on his soft cheek. With his eyes closing he leaned in for a sweet kiss to which Kenny could only return with making it deeper. Their lips moved in synch with each other, Kennys hand tangled in Craigs hair, it automatically making its way down to his ass. Craig pulled away and reached back to take his hand away "Parents." He whispered, Kenny just rolling his eyes and sitting up with Craig. They exchanged another sweet kiss before Kenny spoke up, getting out of bed to take off his parka and shoes which left him in sweatpants and of corse no shirt as usual "What do you want to do?" He asked and Craig shrugged "We could watch tv? Cuddle? Lay on the roof and talk?" He asked and Kenny got back on the bed with Craig, moving to straddle his waist and wrapping his legs around him once more "Or we can make out." He said with a small smirk while leaning in, Craig pushing his face away and shaking his head "I'm really not in the mood for a lot of that." He said and Kenny pouted before getting off him and wrapping his arms around one of Craigs, both of them laying down and Kenny placing his head on Craigs chest "We can watch a movie if you want. I don't mind." He said and Craig shook his head "No I think I like the idea of cuddling more. Just like this." He said and Kenny smile before scooting as close as possible and nuzzling into his neck. He placed small kisses on Craigs neck as he had done to him before "Spoon me." He whispered and Craig winked at him, licking his cheek playfully "Because spooning is so sexual." He said and Kenny turned around on his side, Craig turning on his as well and laying behind him, legs tangling around Kennys who held one of Craigs hands that had made its way around his torso. "it's pretty sexual once I start talking and you get a boner." He said, moving his ass slightly against his crotch while Craig pulled his hand away from
Kennys and took Kennys wrist, making him hit himself but not enough to hurt him or anything. "stop. I told you I can't do that stuff right now. Parents." He said and Kenny pulled his hand away, holding Craigs again and intertwining their fingers "Yeah sure fuck you too." He said, Craig nuzzling his face into Mccormicks neck again "You already have baby." He said, nibbling at his ear and then down his neck while Kenny just closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip "Stop or I'm going to make sure your parents know exactly what I'm doing to their little boy." He said, making Craig blush darkly, wanting to go on but of corse stopping because Ruby was there as well. "That's what I thought." He said and Craig just cuddled back up to him as he was before "This is why I wanted you to come to my place. My parents don't give a shit. And ever time I see you I want to f-" he was cut off by Craig who leaned over and kissed his lips softly "Jesus Christ stop talking already." He said, moving on top of him as he was before, legs staying wrapped with Kennys "You're cute but ever since you stopped covering your mouth I've found you a lot more punchable." He said and Kenny reached up to play with his hair "hm Tucker, you're hot but you sure are a buzz kill ever since you slept with Tweek." He said and Craig groaned before getting off of him "Do you have to bring that up? Really? Every single time. I slept with him once. And it was while you and I were on a break so I really don't see the problem. When we were on that break you had probably banged butters on every piece of furniture in his house." He said and Kenny sighed, running a hand through his own hair "Yeah yeah I'm sorry. But i didn't sleep with butters during that. It was mostly just Bebe because I wanted to do something and she needed to piss off Clyde. I just- I dont know. I feel like you and Tweek have something that you and I don't and it makes me uncomfortable knowing that you two- did that while it's a possibility he could like you a lot more than just as a friend." He said as Craig wrapped his arms around him, kissing his cheek and closing his eyes "Tweek and I are just friends okay? I love you more than anyone and anything. You mean the world to me and that was just a hookup to pass time. That's what we agreed on just to make sure we didn't want anything different. And we didn't. That's why we're still together. Because we love each other and always have." He said and Kenny nodded, pulling away from the hug and poking his chest "Okay but if I ever find out that Tweek likes you or you like him then we're going to talk. I'm not the jealous type and you aren't either but he just scares me. You two have been friends for so much longer than you and I have." He said and Craig nodded "Yeah I know. But let's ignore it okay? This is you and me time. Craig and Kenny." He said and pulled him back down to laying Down, pulling the blanket over them both and Kenny just cuddled close to him "just us? I thought you were worried about your parents." He said and Craig chuckled, glancing over at the door and getting up quickly before locking it and then going back over to the bed where he laid down and pulled Kenny on top of him "Forget it. They can go fuck themselves." He said, Kenny letting out more of a giggle if anything while they kissed each other lovingly, hands going down to each other pants before they took them off and continued their 'make out' session further.

One of those nights (short story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant