Clockworks Part. 1

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All I heard is something. And the passing of children laughing. I heard a faint voice, I opened my eyes and saw the moon. It was bright compared to the rest of the times I see it. I tried to move my arm but I cramped in horrible pain. I flopped over on my stomach, with the horrible pain that I can't even move. I rolled over back onto my back to stare at the moon.

"Why?" I said faintly. "Why do the Gods hate me?" I said as I struggled to get on my feet. I stood, looking over a huge puddle of blood.

"A average human would die by the amount of blood lost." I thought to myself. After I looked around, I heard a voice.

"Dear boy, your name is Clockworks. And you are the Simi-Guardian of Time and Change." It had said.

I looked around the area furiously."Show yourself! NOW!" I yelled.

"Look up." The voice said faintly. I did as it said. I saw the moon.

I shook my in disbelief. I staring at the moon an fell to my knees. "Why?" I said. "What Did You Do To Me?!" I yelled furiously. "Why me? Why now?" Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Your name is Clockworks. You are the Guard of Time and Change. You must protect these properties."

I looked to the ground. I've believed in the Guardians for my entire live. Now I'm a Guard? This can't be happening.

I leaned against a wall and walked, didn't know where, just wanted to leave my lake of blood.

(To Be Continued...)

Clockworks, a GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now