This Wouldn't Have Happened If I Didn't Have Detention

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Reader's POV:

"IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY!!!!" You yell, as you watch the clock in your classroom hit three o'clock. You grab your book bag and start running out of science class, excited for Spring Break. "Wait, Ms. (Your/Last/Name)," your teacher, Mr. Trodern says. "Come to my desk, please." You sigh, and walk to his desk, and the rest of your class laughs and leaves. "Detention (Your/Name), for running. It'll go until four o'clock. One more detention and you'll have to miss your basketball and volleyball tournament," he says. Uggggh! He is the most uptight teacher ever! The only thing cool about this school is the sports teams! "This is stupid," you groan. "You should learn to hold your tongue and control your anger. I suggest taking it up with the counselor." "Yeah, whatever old man," you blurt out, angrily. You stomp out of the room, and down the hall to the principal's office.

Ms. Nelman, the secretary, was eating a jelly donut and watching funny cat videos. "Hello (Your/Name), back again for detention, I see. I already filled out a detention slip. Why can't you just stay out of trouble?" She asks, looking over the top of her bedazzled glasses. She doesn't even know how I got in trouble?!? "Why can't you get a husband?" You  retort, while ripping the slip from her hand, and marching out of the office.

You go to the computer lab, where after-school detention is held. You slam the door open and sit in the  back corner of the room, as usual. Principal Vikan walks in shortly after. He collects everyone's slips, and starts reading them off. "Jonathan Lockes. Vandalizing school bathroom. Juliet Lockes. Stealing lunch money. Jeremy Lewis. Overdue library books." You laugh at the scrawny kid, Jeremy, squirming up in the front. He looks as if he's going to pee himself. Principal Vikan whips his head up to face you. You smirk, and wave at him. He rolls his eyes and says, "(Your/Full/Name). Anger issues." Jeremy and Juliet, "The Turd Twins," as you call them, start laughing. You eye the pale, black haired twins, with hate. "You wanna go? I'll take both of you down right now," You shout. "Bring it on (Your/Last/Name)," they both say. You stand up, as Jonathan slaps his hands on his table, and Juliet spits in a trash can. "Sit down, you three. Otherwise you'll be here in detention during spring break," the principal barks. "I'll break their heads," you mutter as you all slowly sit down, glaring at each other. The "Turd Twins" start whispering between themselves. Principal Vikan clears his throat and continues to read off names. "Casey Jones. Fighting a random kid during lunch." Your eyes widen in surprise and look around for Casey. He hasn't been to school in a while. You see him leaning back in a chair, in the middle row of computers. You used to be friends but he started missing a school a lot, avoiding your calls, and hanging out with April O'Neil. Who was actually sitting by him. How dare he? I thought we were close. But nooo. He decides to ditch me for some reason. Did he think I had a crush on him? Because if so, ewwwwwww. "April O'Neil. Fighting a random kid at lunch, as well," the principal finishes. He gives Jeremy and April both disappointed looks, and sits down in a swivel chair by the chalkboard and starts reading Twilight. "He seriously needs to rethink his life choices," you mutter to yourself, as you stare at the Twilight book.

----------------------Time Skip------------------

"You're dismissed," Principal Viken says, waving his hand. "Heck yeah," The "Turd Twins" laugh, and start sprinting out the door. How come that don't get in trouble? Jeremy awkwardly shuffles out of the door, his ten books all piled up in his arms. You watch as Casey and April whisper with their heads bent down together. You pretend to be reorganizing the junk in your book bag, and eavesdrop. "I know we need to hurry, April, but I don't know where they are," Casey grumbles. "I think they're near their lair. We have to at least try to find them," April argues. "Fine," Casey agrees. "Next time though, try to be a bit more quiet. There could have been someone listening." "They don't see me," you whisper. You duck under the computer table, as they walk out. Hmmm? I think I'll follow them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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