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"I'm only a friend for four reasons. I'll change because of one."

i - I want to make everyone happy

Rin, I'm sorry for writing in your diary.

You accidentally left it in your desk during class and you just took off when the bell rang. I told myself I'd return it to you as soon as possible... but I couldn't help but take a peek inside. I read some of your entries and those five weird pages in the very back. I found it odd that they were just randomly written in without a date or anything, so I read on.

At first when I realized you were writing why you liked some guy, I was happy for you. Real happy, actually. Your sweet and happy attitude is literally chocolate that everyone wants to get a bite out of it. Even if it is you falling for the person, they're bound to love you in an instant. But when I realized that that person you were describing all along was me, I didn't know what to say.

I guess you are right--I don't actually know how you feel all the time. I was oblivious to your feelings, your actions that hinted you liked me, and I still never noticed. Did I really become that predictable? Predictable enough that your feelings wore away, and you moved on just because of one observation about me?

But as much as it hurts, I don't blame you for calling me out on it. It's true that I befriend everyone I meet and apparently (according to you) no one is higher or lower than the friend scale to me. And I feel like you deserve an explanation.

(Sorry again because I also stole your writing format for this.)

No joke that I'm only ever friends with people. I stroll into their lives from stranger to friend before you could even say "orange." The reason's obvious: I want to make people happy. If I can keep everyone at an equal level, then no one will get mad at me or anyone else I hang out with. Overall, it prevents any harm from being done.

I know that may be too simple for you to grasp the full meaning, but if I can stop one person--one person--from getting hurt, it'd mean the world to me. You know I hate it when people are sad, when people can't stand up for themselves, all that is something I want to stop.

I'm not great at explaining my feelings as you do, so I'll sum it up in one word: peace.

Reason one I'm something less is because I want to do something great.

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