Chapter 1

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Once again this story is inspired by 'Lucky' by AllOfTheLittlePeople
I love her stories, so go check them out!

July 7, 2011 was a day Lucy Heartfilia would never forget. It was the day her mother, Layla Heartfilia left her daughter. She left the world that afternoon while she was taking a nap. Layla had a sickness, a sickness that couldn't have been cured. Jude, Lucy's father, tried everything in his power to save is wife. But the money didn't work, the doctors couldn't save her, and his daughters sadness didn't help the problem either. That day, changed Lucy's life forever. She would no longer have the loving, caring mother she had, and worst of all, she lost her father that day as well. Her father ignored her, stayed in his office, worked 24/7, and cut off all contact with her.

2 months after her mothers death, October 27, she moved out of the Heartfilia estate. She left everything behind, except for a few personal things and money. With that money she moved from New York, New York to Brooklyn, New York. She bought a nice, cozy 3 bedroom townhouse. That happened to be down the street from her two best friends, Levy McGarden and Juvia Lockser. After a few days of being there the trio decided to go shopping, to get new clothes and things for her townhouse. That day they had fun and after dropping everything off at Lucy's they headed over to Juvia's apartment. They watched movies, ate junk food, and had a sleepover. That was one of the few days that she would never forget.

A month later, September 19, she decided to start her own YouTube channel. After watching YouTube videos that past year and a half she was intrigued at how you did it. So she finally made a channel. After 30 minutes of thinking of a name for her channel, she came up with RandomnessWithLucy. She uploaded a picture of herself as her profile picture, and a star background. She didn't really post anything yet still deciding what to do. After messaging her friend she made not so long ago, Titania, also known as Erza Scarlet. Erza told her what to get in order to start making videos. So Lucy, with the company of Levy and Juvia, went out to buy the list of things. She came back to her townhouse with a desk, a comfortable gaming/office chair, 2 gaming PC's, a mic, a green screen, lighting, an editing keyboard, a gaming controller, a vlog camera with batteries, and pink cat ear headphones. She had spent so much money on the trip but she had extra in her banking account. The trio spent over 2 hours setting everything up in one of the guest rooms she had. When they were finished they looked at their work and giggled as they hugged each other.

5 years later, June 16, 2016; Lucy has over 6 million subscribers that she calls her Spirits. She loves her Spirits, even when she gets hate. When she does her fans stick with her and she stays positive. She always says thank you to them at the end of her videos and it makes her happy when she has so many people out there that are willing to look out for her.


At 8:30 the morning of June 16, 2016, Lucy woke with a yawn. She shivered as she stretched, the cold air hitting her bare skin. Sure she was used to the cold weather in the summer, she loved it, but it still caught her off guard so early in the morning. Lucy got up and let out another yawn, as she looked at her Japanese Spitz, who was white and fluffy with a strange orange nose. Lucy had named her cute little dog Plue. She had gotten the dog 2 years ago, when he was just a pup. She instantly fell in love with the dog, when she was walking past the pet shop window, and saw him. That day she ended up buying a cute, adorable Japanese Spitz.

Lucy moved to her bathroom and looked in the mirror, she grimaced as she watched the troll looking thing look back at her. She quickly went to the bathroom and then washed her hands, before turning on the water to her shower. She stripped out of her star pajamas and got in the shower, the warm water instantly warming her up. She quickly washed her hair and body before she turned the water off and dried off her body. Lucy wrapped the white towel around her body as she exited the foggy bathroom, she walk to her closet before pulling out a tan sweater, and a white tank top. She closed the door to her closet then walked over to her dresser pulling out her under garments and a pair of black leggings. After getting her outfit ready she placed her clothes on top of her dresser then walked back into the bathroom. Opening the cabinet door under the sink Lucy grabbed her hair dryer and plugged it in. Then she began blowing her hair dry.

After a few minutes her hair is dry and she unplugs the dryer, she walks back into her room and begins changing into the outfit she picked earlier. Lucy walks over to the makeup desk she has set up next to the bathroom door, and she sits down, only doing her mascara.

Lucy finishes getting ready and she smiles at Plue before looking at the clock, which read 9:46 am. She grinned then walk out of her room and down the stairs to where her 'studio' was. She grabbed her vlogging camera and went to the kitchen. On her way to the kitchen she stopped and put on her black vans then continued walking.

Once in the kitchen she put her hand through the strap and pointed the camera towards her face. After Lucy pressed the record button she grinned widely. "Hello my Spirits! It is I, Lucy, and I'm back again with another video! (Omg I just stole part of Keeleys -a YouTuber- intro) Today, I'm going to go on a vlog adventure! Sadly Levy nor Juvia could make it, so its just you and I! I hope you enjoy the adventure." Lucy giggled as her stomach growled, "and the first place we are going to stop at is Satan Soul. I know it sounds weird and odd, but it is an amazing place! It's basically a bakery, and tea/coffee shop. I go there almost every morning. You guys will love it, once you go in." As she talks she grabs her bag, phone, and keys. She opens the front door then locking it, and starts the adventure.

That is the first chapter! I hope you enjoy!~ <3 xoxo

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