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She whom bears the mark shall bear the bloods of the fallen. (S)he whom bears the moons scar shall assist in protecting 'the marked'. She, whom bears the mark of the fallen, shall bear the curse that follows, as well as the secrets it holds.
"Girls, can you come down for a moment?" Mom called from the family room.
"I'm coming!" My sister, Emily, screamed as she ran down the hall, past my open door, and down the stairs.
I stopped reading 'Dead City' and got out of bed. I folded a corner of the page I was on, and placed my book on my pillow. I stretched, widened the door, and went downstairs.
"Mommy? What's wrong? Is this important?"
"Yes, sweetie" I took a seat next to Emily and listened quietly. "You see, well we're... um we're-- what, I'm trying to says is that... I have big news!" Emily grinned from ear to ear.
This isn't going to end well. It never does when she smiles like that.
Here comes the heart breaker.
"We're moving!"
And... there it is. Emily's face dropped completely.
"W-we're WHAT?!!" She screamed.
"I won, and saved up, a lot of money, so I've decided to move. We're going to live somewhere nice and warm. It also has gorgeous senery and lots of pretty people." She looked genuinely happy "What do you guys think?"
"I think it's a bad idea." Emily quickly responded.
I sat there in silence. I completely agreed with her.
"When do we leave?" Emily and I asked at the same time.
"We leave in three weeks."
"You already found a place?"
"Yeah, and I think you guys will really like it."
"How long ago did you get the money?"
"Umm...I got it about a month ago."
"You are setting her up for a horrible future." Emily said pointing at me.
"You're over exaggerating."
My small dog, Secret, jumped into my lap at that very moment. She's a Mi-ki. I got up with her still in my arms and went upstairs without another word.
Hmm... a month ago, eh... That's around the time it started.
A month ago, my limbs often went numb and I got got awfully dizzy a lot. Mom said it was just because I was sleep deprived, but we could both tell it wasn't that. I also started having the weirdest dreams, which would also be identified as nightmares; in every one of them, I was standing in the middle of nowhere, in the midst of complete and utter darkness, all alone.
An older looking Emily and two guys would soon show up. Both of the boys were on their knees and Emily was lying on her back in front of them. One of the boys was holding her hand, and his tears ran down her face as they dripped from his puffy eyes. I ran over to them and when I got there, Emily had blood dripping from her mouth as if she had coughed it up, as well as a hole in her chest. I would shout "what happened to her?!" The two of them would look up at me , tears and all. Then they would vanish, leaving behind one name.
My mom appeared, but she wasn't with anyone. Like Emily, she was lying down, but she was on her side, she seemed as if she she was sleeping in what looked like a shallow pond, and as soon as I went to wake her up, I realized that she wasn't sleeping. She was lying in a pool of blood and as soon as I screamed, I woke up.

The three weeks passed by faster than I had expected them to. Saturday morning, when I woke up, I was on the floor and all of my stuff was gone except for a change of clothes and my black sneakers.
I looked out my window and saw a moving truck outside.
"Oh, it's been three weeks already?" I unenthusiastically said.
As I walked towards the bathroom, in no rush what-so-ever, Emily ran into my room screaming.
"Ahhh!" She shrieked "all my stuff's gone! We've been robbed! Call da popo!" I pulled her over to my window and pointed outside. Emily depression and uncertainty plastered all over her face.
"What's wrong, Em?" I asked attempting to sound sympathetic, even though I was really just tired and uninterested.
"You don't have to pretend to care" she said hanging her head.
"Okay" I tried to walk away, but she pulled me back.
"No--Marc..." She said "listen to my problems.... this isn't good. If we go to a new home, we got to a new school, with new people, and new... things. We could get into some serious trouble.... and by we, of course, I mean you."
"I know Em. I'm not an idiot. We just have to stick together and look out for each other, of course, I mean you need to look out for me. That last part is probably the most important."
"But I wanna make new friends."
"You can, but, please do me a solid and don't tell anyone... and this is very important... ANYTHING about me, as in my age, my hobbies, my favoraite anything, not even my time schedule. Okay?" I placed my hands on her shoulders "You're smart... you're the only person I trust with... well, me, so you can talk to and befriend anyone you want, but don't let anyone know anything about me or IT."
She nodded and left the room. I took a shower, changed my clothes and went in the kitchen. I fed Secret, ate and went back upstairs to brush my teeth. Finally it was time to go. I put on my sneakers, grabbed Secret, and everyone got into the truck. Secret was obviously sad. She wouldn't stop whimpering.
Emily, Secret and I watched as the house got farther and farther, till it just... disappeared.
About eight or nine hours later, we arrived at a huge mansion, and only mom was amazed. Emily and I were just straight up confused.
"Where are we?
"Our new home."
"How much did you get again?
"About nine hundred , ninety nine thousand, nine hundred, ninety nine trillion dollars, why?" She answered like it was nothing. As soon as we stepped out of the truck, people came lining up in front of us.
"W-what's going on?"
Em and I were grabbing our stuff from the truck, when we heard voices overlapping.
"Mistress, may we take your bags?"
We turned around to see two ladies whom looked completely identical.
"Whoa" we both said at once "identical twins."
She got ready to hand her bag over to the twins when I nudged her.
Seventeenth rule in life: NEVER TRUST IDENTICAL TWINS WITH YOUR PERSONAL BELONGINGS. She pulled her hands back.
We learned that from watching a bunch of anime.
We went inside and the ladies led us to our rooms. Our rooms were not only already filled, but they were the perfect colors, too. Everything in my room was black and red. Everything in Em's room was pink and aqua blue. When I went through the closet, there was dress, after dress, after dress only.
"Yuck" I quietly said.
I took every dress out and put them on the dresser. Then, when the closet was empty, I brought every one of them next door over to Emily's room and gave them to her.

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