Chapter 1

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Hook, Emma, Regina, Snow or Mary-Margret, and Charming... or David are all in Neverland to find Henry, Emma's and Neal's son.

With Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) leaving them to look for him on his own, will they ever find Henry? Or are they better off?

And now Neal is flying to Neverland to try and rescue Emma and Henry and win over the one he has always loved -Emma herself.

What will happen? Read to find out.

A/N: This will only follow the storyline in certain parts. Since this is all the way to present episodes, I don't know what will happen. This is just hope. Extreme hope. ENJOY!



Emma opened her eyes and found herself resting against the pirate's shoulder. She sat up with a start. How could've she let herself fallen asleep? She was supposed to be keeping watch with...

"Hook," Emma said turning to the man she was sleeping on. Emma saw that he was awake and drinking from the coconut they shared the night before.

"Morning, love. Did I wake you?" Hook out a smirk on his face, the smirk that always made Emma's stomach churn for some reason.

"No. But, why did you let me fall asleep?"

Hook shrugged, "You said you were tired and wish you could sleep, but that you didn't think that you could because all you could think about was Henry, remember, love? And, well, then you snuggled up to me and fell asleep, so I figured I could take the shift by myself.." His smirk widened.

Emma rolled her eyes. "Well thanks, I guess."

"No problem."

And with that Emma laid back down next to the pirate -not that they were actually laying down, but they were laying against a tree. Hook handed her a new coconut and she smiled at him in thanks. She was hungry, but couldn't dare to think about it with Pan having Henry.

"Are we going to wait for the others to wake, love? Or should I wake them?" Hook looked at her, one eyebrow raised. "Let them sleep until they feel like it. And you can go to sleep, too, if you want to."

Emma didn't say, but she actually didn't want him to go to sleep. She wanted someone to stay up with -someone who she could talk to.

"I'll stay up, if that's alright, love...?"

Emma turned her head to him, confused. "Of course. You don't need my permission, anyway."

Emma noticed their faces were only inches apart. She noticed Hook looking up and down her's and coming to rest on her eyes. Emma smiled at him and he smiled back.

Then David woke up. At the sound of a yawn, Emma knew she should've turned her head away, but she didn't.

She stared into his eyes until she heard David's voice say, "Gosh, it's cold."

That's when they both turned away from each other -Emma's eyes now on the ground. David walked over to them and said, "Everything okay?"

He eyed Hook especially. Emma knew that her father didn't trust Hook, she knew that no one that was with trusted Hook except for herself -they were only putting up with him because he's been to Neverland before and because of Emma (well not the second one for Regina... but, yeah).

She knew her dad would kill Hook if he hurt her, that's one of reasons she hadn't given into temptation with him -that and Neal, Henry's father, had fallen into another world somewhere and died.

"We're fine, David," Emma said to her father who is also Prince Charming. He wanted her to call him "Dad," but Emma just didn't know. If she started calling them that, what if they left, too?

David nodded and said, "If you two want some sleep until the others wake up, I can take watch."

She looked over at Hook to see what he was going to do. She wasn't going to go to bed without him, that was for sure. He looked over at Emma, too. She could tell he was tired. "We'll both go. Thanks, David," Emma said, nodding to Hook.

He didn't look entirely convinced, but Emma didn't care. David nodded to them and walked over to another tree to take watch.

He then called over, "One of you can take my spot on the ground, if you'd like!"

"Would you, love?" Hook asked Emma. Emma shook her head. Then he called back over, "Thanks, but we're fine!"

Emma grinned at him slightly. "You know I don't really know if that was a suggestion," she said to him as he turned to face her once more.

Hook shrugged. "Oh well. Now, are you going to talk until our bloody ears bleed or are we going to sleep?"

"Fine," said Emma turning on her side, towards Hook. Then there was an arm being slipped under her head as Hook turned on his side to face her. Emma guessed it was instinct, and she didn't mind... but she just couldn't resist.

"What are you doing?" Emma asked, looking up from his chest to his eyes.

"Just getting comfortable, love." Hook smirked.

"My father is watching us. He'll kill you or torture you if he thinks there is something we're hiding from him -something between... us." Emma saw his eyes and his smirk widen at the words she spoke.

"Is there, darling?" Hook seemed to be genuinely asking and that's what made Emma hesitate before answering, "Well, no. But... Let's just go to sleep. The others will be up soon."

Hook nodded. "Would you like me turn the other way?" Emma shook her head in reply. He smiled as Emma turned back towards his chest -letting the darkness take her.


David sat and watched as Emma and Hook got situated over by their tree. He had offered one of them a spot on the ground, but he could tell neither of them would give the tree up.

David was afraid of how much Hook and Emma were alike -as much as he hated to admit it, they were, and that's why they got along so well... they bickered a lot, but that's just something that brought them closer. But even with the bickering, the got along too well in the opinion of fatherly side of David.

He didn't feel very charming at the moment. He had a few choice words to say to Hook as he and his daughter whispered about something that he couldn't hear.

And then finally, they got quiet -Emma laying against Hook's chest and his arms around her. Charming could only hope that Hook wouldn't stick Emma with his hook of a hand.

He watched as they fell asleep -holding each other, like him and Snow would've once while hiding from or fighting the Evil Queen. The same queen that was with them now on a quest to save his grandson.
Oh, how things are different now that everyone had lived a different life, Charming thought.

And now, his life would end soon.

David sighed as he heard a yawn. He looked at the resting bodies to see Mary-Margret getting up. It was times like this when David wished they were back in Storybrooke -but where he really wanted was to go back to the Enchanted Forest with his wife and daughter.

"Morning, my Snow White." Mary-Margret looked up at him and smiled.

"Morning, my Charming." David was so happy that she was awake first -that way they could spend some time together.

Mary walked over and sat down next to him, instantly grabbing ahold of his arm. Her eyes traveled to tee two body shapes laying against the tree across from them.

She sighed, "They asleep?"

David nodded, "Everyone but us is."

"Do you think that when Regina said Hook was Emma's boyfriend, she was right? Do you think Emma would keep that from us?" Mary looked up at David and he looked back.

"I hope not, for Hook's sake."

Mary laughed. "You're not going to hurt him unless he tricks us, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah. I think we can trust him, but I don't know yet."

She nodded, "Same here."

"Anyway, it could be a couple of hours until the others wake up, so what do you want to do?" David raised one eyebrow in question.

"Just lay here."

"Sounds good to me."


A/N: I decided to act like Neal is just now finding out where Emma is. Mkay? :)

Neal scoured through his father's hidden cupboard-stash-pantry thing full of items, hoping one of them could tell gin where Emma was.

He finally found what he was looking for and almost squealed with glee. He grabbed ahold of it and jumbled down from the area where he was looking.

He then sat the crystal-ball-like object down on the table and got on his knees. He knew Mulan and Robin Hood were watching him, so this had to work.

He placed his hands on the ball closed his eyes, and thought of Emma, praying that it would show him where she was. When he opened his eyes there was no picture in the ball like he knew there should be.

He turned to Mulan, "It's not working."

"Were you thinking of Emma?"

"Of course I was!"

"Okay. Well... think about how much you love her. Think about how much you want to find her. Think about how you know this going to work." Wow, Mulan is one heck of a motivator, he thought.

"Okay," he breathed placing his hands on the ball again and closing his eyes.

This time he thought of how much he loved Emma and how much he loved their son, Henry. He thought about what they'd been through together. He thought about how much he regretted leaving her behind. He thought about how he wanted to find her -how he needed to find her. He also said in his mind, This will work.

It was like he could the magic under his fingertips. He opened his eyes to see a picture forming. First they saw Charming and Snow White laying there against a tree, looking at a group of people.

Neal tried to see who the people were -and thankfully the ball let him. He saw Regina, the Evil Queen, and he couldn't make out who the other two people were that were lying together. He was just about wondering why the ball had shown him this when the picture zoomed in on the two people he couldn't make out.

The picture became clearer and as he saw Emma his heart did a flip in his chest, but as he saw who she was holding, his stomach clenched, remembering his history with him.

Emma was in fact holding Captain Hook. And they were no where else other then-

"Neverland," Neal said Mulan and Robin Hood. Robin Hood looked confused and said, "Why are they there?"

"They must be trying to save Henry. Pan must've gotten him."

"How do you know?" Hood asked.

"When I was there they called a boy that they needed to find, the true believer. That has to be Henry. It has to."

"You're sure?" Mulan asked with concern in her voice -he was thankful neither of them brought up Emma and Hook.

"Yes. why else would they be in Neverland?"

Mulan and Robin Hood looked at each other for an answer, but found none.

Robin Hood then got distracted when his kid walked in. Neal instantly started forming a plan, but before he could share it, he was pulled aside by Mulan.

"What?" Neal asked.

"Who was Emma with?"

Neal's throat tightened. "Captain Hook."

Mulan looked confused, "But I thought you said you loved her and that she loved you."

Neal took a deep breath, remembering what Emma had said to him before he had fallen back into this world.

"Yeah, well, she said she did. But it doesn't matter. When I find her, I'm going to fight for her. I'm going to ask for a second chance and then -if I get it- I'm not going to screw it up like I did the last time. A man who doesn't fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets."

"How do you know this Captain Hook won't be fighting, too?"

Neal gritted his teeth. "I don't. Now, I have a plan. Do you guys want to hear it or not?"


Hook opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was blonde hair. It was blocking his vision of most anything else, but he didn't mind. He moved his face around to see Regina already up, along with Snow White and Charming.

Her bloody complaining must've woken him.

He decided he should wake Emma because they'd already spent enough time resting and Pan's camp had probably already moved again.

He hated waking her, she looked so peaceful against him -but he had to.

"Emma, darling. Hey, love? Wake up."

Emma opened her eyes and turned them drowsily on Hook. "Morning," she said in a rough voice.

"Morning, love. The others are up. We should get up as well."

Emma nodded, getting up first. Hook followed her and as the others noticed they were awake, every one of them was scowling at either Emma or Hook.

"What now?" Emma asked.

Regina -who was the only one scowling at Emma- said sourly, "What do you think?! We have to find my son an you're off cuddling with your boyfriend!!"

Hook would have usually smirked at being call Emma's boyfriend, but Regina had insulted Emma by it.

"He is my son too, Regina! I want to find him just as much as you do, probably more. Don't you dare imply otherwise."

Hook couldn't help but notice how she didn't deny that he was her boyfriend -but she didn't say that he was, either. And apparently Emma's parents had noticed too, because now they were staring at him again.

He decide to speak up, "We're wasting our time, we need to get a move on things if we want to find Henry."

Emma looked at Hook and said, "He's right. Come on, guys."

"Who put you in charge?" Regina questioned.

"I just did. Now let's go save my son."

And with that they were off. Emma and Hook in lead, Snow and Charming just behind, and Regina following in back.


A/N: So, what did you think of the first chapter? Did you like it? Please comment your thoughts and vote if you liked if.

I'm seriously obsessed with Once Upon A Time. You have no idea. OUAT is just AMAZING and I hope I did it justice.



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