the beep test fic

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The bell was about to ring as Dan sprinted down the hall with a piece of toast hanging from his mouth. "I'm going to be late for my first beep test!" He exclaimed loudly making other students walking beside him look at him funny. Dan stuck his middle fingers up at them and ran faster. He screeched to a stop when he reached the entrance of the gym. It smelled of sweat and depression. In fact, gym class would be unbearable if a beautiful blue eyed boy was not there. True, Dan had never spoken to him but he admired him from the distance. What was his name again? "Philip Lester," the gym teacher called out in a monotone voice. He vaguely resembled Ted Cruz. Dan realized that he needed to hurry up or he will be marked absent.
Howell finally reached his spot and collapsed on the ground. The gym teacher ignored this and went on with the role call. Phil looked at the younger boy and decided it would be the polite thing to help him up. He extended his hand towards Dan's and pulled him off of the ground. Dan's cheeks were all red it was like he had an allergic reaction ahhahahhah. "Th-th-thank you..." Dan managed to mumble. Phil just smiled at dat boi.
The whole class was lined up on one side of the gym about the begin the magnificent test of beep. Dan was sweating nervously ;) . For some reason Phil decided to stay beside him which is odd because Phil was the most popular kid in the school. I guess everyone got weak in the knees when they saw his fucking emo hair and blue eyes that were so blue that you could go swimming in them.
The sexual voice of the beep test man began to speak from the cd player ;p. The boys started to walk across the gym increasing their speed with each...  lap ? ?? Around level 7 Dan started to feel lightheaded. Phil saw the look in Dan's eyes and immediately picked the boy off of his feet carrying him bridal style. He continued to ruin even though he had an extra 100+ pounds of weight added to him. All of the kids in the gym swooned at this amazing feat.
When they reached the max level Phil slowed down and set the boy down on the gym floor. "Phil you saved my life..." the brown haired boy whispered. "How will I ever repay you?" Phil looked deeply into his eyes and decided to take a chance, "With this." The older boy leaned down and kissed Dan's lips lightly making Dan almost bust a nut. They separated for a moment and then Dan pulled Phil's face back onto his. The kids around them stared awkwardly. "Why the fuck are they making out on this crusty gym floor?" one bystander asked. The make out session got a bit too steamy and the gym teachers began to notice. You'd think that Dan and Phil would be able to hear the sounds of a million whistles but all they could focus on was each other.
The Ted Cruz lookin gym teacher ripped the two apart and gave them a dirty look. Dan stuck his middle fingers up at him which resulted in him getting sent to the principal's office. Phil was stuck thinking about the beautiPHILl lips he was just kissing. L8r they had the bum secks11!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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