Featherstar's Distrust

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          Featherstar and her deputy, Grassfoot, were organizing their hunting and border patrols. "Shadowsnout, have you seen Mistyfeather?" Featherstar asked her Clanmate. The tom shook his head. "I haven't seen her since last night. She always seems to be gone when the Clan wakes." He explained. The leader narrowed her eyes. I've seen her sneak out. I want to know where she's going. Featherstar looked at Shadowsnout. "Take Hollyfoot and Stormpelt and follow Mistyfeather tonight. Then report back to me of what you find." She ordered. He dipped his head and went to find Hollyfoot and Shadowsnout. Featherstar turned to the warriors mother, her deputy. "Do you know where she's going?" Featherstar asked. Grassfoot's eyes widened. "I never knew that my daughter was sneaking out. I do want to know where she's going too." Grassfoot admitted. Featherstar sighed and looked up. She saw Mistyfeather. "Mistyfeather! Come here." She said. Mistyfeather perked her ears, and padded over to the leader. "Yes, Featherstar?" She sat. Featherstar looked to her deputy. "We want to know where you were." Mistyfeather's ear flatten and her tail dropped. "Oh, I was out for a early day hunt patrol. On my own though." She said, lying. The leader narrowed her eyes at the warrior. "Very well. Go to the medicine den, I see you've gotten a good scratch over your shoulder." She ordered. Mistyfeather dipped her head and padded to the medicine den. "Shadowsnout!" Shadowsnout turned towards the leader, and walked to her. "Yes?" He flicked his tail lightly. "Have you asked Hollyfoot and Stormpelt?" Featherstar asked. He nodded. "They've agreed to follow Mistyfeather. They also want to know what's up with her. As well as I." He reported. She dipped her head. "The patrols are out. Mistyfeather just came back. She made an excuse that she did early hunting." Featherstar scoffed. Shadowsnout sighed. "I did see her bring back a vole, so maybe she did hunt." He said. "Are you disagreeing with your leader, Shadowsnout?! Because if so, I will have you pick the ticks out of the elders fur." Featherstar threatened. He sighed. "I'm just stating what I saw this morning, Featherstar. I'm not disagreeing." He explained. She flicked her tail. "Just ask her a little of where she was. I know she trusts you more than any cat here, since you are her brother. Ask her and she may tell you." Featherstar said. He dipped his head and padded off to the fresh-kill pile. He grabbed two mice and saw Mistyfeather. "Mistyfeather! Follow me." He ordered. The pale brown-gray she-cat turned her head towards her brother. "What do you want?" She growled. She obviously was not in the best of moods right then. "I want to talk, that's it." He responded. She rolled her eyes. "Featherstar put you up to this?" She flicked her tail. He sighed and nodded. "She wants to know where you've been going when the Clan sleeps." She hissed. "Doesn't she know it's none of her buisness?!" She started to climb a tree. She found her favorite spot and laid down. "I want to know too. It's not about, our father, is it?" He asked. She sighed and nodded. "You see, I've been called there by Sc-" she was cut off. "Shadowsnout!" Grassfoot called. He sighed. "Take me with you tonight, ok?" He said and padded off to his mother. She sighed. "I will try..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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