A Past She Holds ( Ch. 1)

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It's only the first day of high school and I've made 5 friends, mastered 80 pages of the math textbook and 70 pages of the biology textbook. Impressive, right? And yes, of course, I wear glasses, straight black hair, blue eyes, have 2 close friends, and make super funny jokes! A super cool nerd.....
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...is the role that I'm playing this year, in this school, this country.
I guess 'nobody understands me', ' almost perfect','lovable doll', 'the prettiest flower in the garden', is what people used to describe me.
I'm named by the government, Mariah Abernathy Kwezt, Marry, for short. Yes, I'm an orphan, well, disowned to be specific, right after when I was born.
But relax, it's not like I don't know the faces of those scums who dropped their responsibility. After all, I AM adopted by the government, so I know things. You wonder why the government wanted to go their way and adopted me? Because I'm 'talented,skillful, and a precious asset to the country', at least that's what the government said...

I know that I'm being treated like a thing, but it's okay. In fact, everything is okay. I've never expect anything from everyone since I was three.
The first year I was born I was still that cheerful little girl like every other baby. I wanted people to to pamper me, love me, teach me how to speak like every other normal parents. Until one day, when I was two years old and 8 months, I can already read and listen to adults conversation which is very impressive. But not for me, at the age of 3, I was told to start school, I was okay with it, even though they assigned me to an elementary school... until the class bully tries to provoke me to fight, I kindly rejected but he snapped at me. "Stand up and fight me, you piece of crap!", said the bully. The scariest part is not when the bully got violent with me,but after.
After I got home filled with scars and bruises, when my 'father' had seen me covered in bruises he immediately brought me to a strange place and told me to come to this place veryday after school. I asked him, "What am I learning today, dad??" "Something...different."he replied. After that he left without me and a huge man comes up. Apparently, he was a private teacher that was meant to train me...physically. When I went home, my whole body was covered with bruises and I was crying, weeping to be exact, as I was told to not cry loudly or will be given punishment... On the way to my dad's office I overheard his conversation with his 'colleagues', it was about replacing me with another child, named Anton, as my current 'father' got sick of handling my integrity. The door suddenly creaked
open and I immediately ask him what was he talking about with that man to avoid suspicion, luckily they were talking in French so I have a reason to ask but unfortunately,for me, I've secretly learnt that language in my spare time. If I just hadn't learnt that language my childhood would at least still be less...miserable.
After pretending to be hurt from the bruises I made an excuse for me to go back to my room. To tell the truth, the pain from my body didn't even hurt anymore. That night is the first time for me to cry from someone's word...
And because of that, I have decided to just focus on getting stronger and smarter, so that nobody will be able to resist my existence. I know, it doesn't make any sense, right?

The next day I went to school, I came to the bully's classroom and found out that his name is Robin, I challenged him to a fight on the school's rooftop and told him to tell everyone to come and watch after school. He nonchalantly accepted.
After school, instead of going straight to the rooftop, I waited for him to arrive at the rooftop, after he arrived, I stood him up for one hour to provoke him to come and find me... The plan was to make him come down and yell for my name and then I'll make the teachers notice him and then tell him off, for an extra I've called his parents. Few seconds later I heard him screaming my name furiously then I immediately run towards the teachers' lounge.
There, I saw his parents and teachers. Perfect. I pretended to run from him and then fall exactly 3 cm from the teachers' lounge and let him beat me up. I screamed when he grabbed my hair and punched me in my stomach. To be honest, it was tough for the 3 years old me to receive punches from a 6 years old but I've gone through worse,the previous day. Oh well, whatever it takes to teach him a lesson! After a scream, teachers started coming out and his parents too! I watched his face when he saw his parents, it was PRICELESS!! His mother slapped him, his father scolded him as loud as possible, and teachers being so pissed, everything was perfect, even on the way to the hospital. If it's a normal life scenario, my dad would have come to the hospital, but guess what? He didn't give a sh*t. That moment on I started to feel suspicious about whether I'm his real child or not. So, after I was released from the hospital, I went to my dad's office and search through his computer's datas, I have no time to read it all so I copied them in a flaskdisk. I know that there's a camera in his his office so I will be exposed but it's okay, I can always do back-ups if he deleted one. At the end of the day, he came home and ignored my greetings, oh well, I guess I'll be replaced soon... yes, I'm not the brightest child there is at that time, I've already feel abandoned once so I really don't care what happens to me as long as I'm still alive. As he ignored me, I went back to my room and disguised the flaskdisk as an eraser... few days later I went to my school's library's computer to check the files... but it said that all the files were deleted by source, fortunately, I was wise, I've copied paste everything to Microsoft Words before-hand. So I read, and keep reading even though it hurts me, psychologically. And that's how I discovered that I was disowned... and how they gave me to the government without even naming me. Normally I'd say "I can't read this anymore," and closes the computer and cries. But no, my personality had changed by the time I read the files about my biography, and what they're using me for, and other miserable things. After done reading the files, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and school had ended, I went straight to the 'body training place' and challenged the teacher to a boxing match. Of course I'd lose, I just needed someone to "bring me back to my senses" at that time and that's the only way I could think of... day by day I trained, I got stronger and stronger, I'd mastered all of the techniques when I was 5 years old. Some say that my trainings are too hard, some say otherwise but I say it's not enough...

Every single day, I would train my brain and my body. The pain felt nothing like the pain of discovering the truth about me. But soon enough, I managed to let it, the things that all of them did to me, go...

The government has decided that 6 years of elementary school is just a waste of time, so they just let me studied 2 years. Besides from the education from school, after my daily training, which ends in about 6 o'clock, a professor would teach me harder things than what I learnt in school. It was going just fine, until I felt like I almost hit rock bottom...7 years old... the year which they persuaded me to go into senior high school . I tried to reject but they were giving me death glares. I have no choice but to accepted... and that's how I got here...high school...

Author's note : She's had it rough,huh? Poor Marry... she's already going to high school at the age of 7!
Can she handle the pressure??
Will she found happiness in this school?? Or will she just remain the same?? Keep reading to find out!!

Now, is your heart ready to read how she's going to react around kids more than twice as old as her??

Anyway, please don't forget to vote(tbh I don't even know what it does, lol) and let me know if you want some cliffhangers in the comment section at chapter three~

Oh well!! That's all and I hoped you liked the first chapter!

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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