~Boyfriend Drama~

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I woke up on a cold Wednesday in the beginning of January. I pulled my warm shield of blankets off my cold body, getting out of bed.

I looked out my bedroom window just to see the depressing trees that lay in a sad town.

Finally I get ready for the day. I decide to wear some leggings, a gray tee, a green army jacket, and my shiny black Doc Martins. My friend got me the boots for Christmas. Ever since then I won't take them off. I grabbed my backpack and walked down stairs and into the kitchen.

"You ready?" My mom said sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Ya." I didn't really want to go to school but I will. I promise my mom I wouldn't skip anymore. That was Freshman year.

We entered the front of Mount Forks High School. It was misty out so my school looked creepier than usual.

"Bye mom." I said getting out of the car. She drove away and I thought about walking away from the school and ditching.

I started walking to my friend's English classroom which is where we meet up since most of them had class there first period anyways. When I got there I sat against the lockers. I don't even know my locker. I have a relative idea which wing it is but I don't know the number. I usually get here first before everyone else. Most of my friends take the bus which comes ten minutes later. I don't mind coming early because it means I can put my headphones in blast music and think. I saw Mia walking towards me; the bus must've been early today. We don't talk much but I respect her.

So let me tell you about Mia. She has lightly toned skin. She's tan so if you compare me to her I'm pale. She dances ballet, contemporary, and hip-hop. She's in the band and chorus. Mia's a book worm, she even volunteers at the library. The only time I go to the library is when I'm studying with a friend which is a code word for I'm going out with my boyfriend. Mia has really strict parents that she's always babbling about. Mia is pretty she has silky brown hair, light brown eyes, medium size boobs, which gets her the boys and not to mention other features, like a nice butt. She always is saying it's because she's Puerto Rican. Mia is skinny and has a toned body from dancing.

"Hey," she said walking up to me and putting her bag down.

"Hey," I replied being nice. After that the conversation dropped.

I started to stare down the hallway waiting for my boyfriend Dean walking down the hallway.

I stood up walking over to him and we embraced each other for a long time. You see Monday was the first day back from break and we didn't see each other much over break. We said our goodbyes in the beginning when he went on a vacation to visit family in Montana.

"Hey" I said.

"Hays for horses," he replied sarcastically.

"I said hey with an E not an A." I then proceeded to stick my tongue out at him.

"Well ok smarty pants." Dean loves me being smart he thinks it and I quote, "Cute."

"How was Montana?"

"Good, fine." He replied.

"Meet any cute girls?" I asked in my cute voice.

"Ya this pretty blonde cowgirl," he rolled his eyes. "My heart is to you baby even if those girls were cute, which they weren't, I still love you."

"Awww I love you to," fake wipes a tear, "let's go to where my stuff is." We started walking back and by the time we got back Lana and her sister Violet were there.

"What's up guys?"

"Nothing about to study for an English test," Lana said leaning against the lockers.

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