Saving the world

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One day,Pyrocynical woke up,only to be greeted by the Russian pig himself,NFKRZ.
-What the fuck are you doing here?Pyro shouted.-I am here to do the thing i have wanted to do for a very long time.NFKRZ said.-What is this gay shit? The fuck are you trying to do?Pyro said to NFKRZ-No,what the fuck? I'm not here to do that,I am here to do something else.Something you have probably never seen some do in your life.-What?-You have to get up from your bed,follow me and i will show you.-Ok i guess...Pyro got up,confused,and started following NFKRZ.They got into a car and drove to Valve.-What the hell are we doing here?-We are going to save the world.-How?-By stopping the skin insanity.NFKRZ was very confident in stopping skin insanity.-But how are we going to stop the skin insanity?Pyro asked.-By deleting CS:GO forever.-And how the actual fuck are we going to do that? We can't just get in and say: Hey! Delete CS:GO from steam please!-We are not going to do it that way.I have come up with a cool plan.-What is it? Just tell me already you Russian pig!They walked into Valve and fans started attacking them.-WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?Pyro shouted,trying to escape.-This.NFKRZ pressed a button...and then...The fans just...fell asleep.Pyro said:-What is this crazy shit? How the fuck did you do that????-It's the magical weapon the god Vladimir Putin gave to me.We are going to stop skin insanity with this device.NFKRZ said while running to Gaben's office.They ran into the room and NFKRZ said:-IT'S THE END! I'M SAVING THE WORLD!And then he pushed the button and Gaben fell asleep.After a few minutes,Pyro and NFKRZ finally managed to get CS:GO deleted forever.They deleted it from steam,shut down every server and destroyed every backup file.-We...we did it.Pyro said.-Yes we fucking did.NFKRZ said happily.They got back to Pyrocynical's house before anyone could see them.-Oh shit. We're dead.-WHY? WHAT DID YOU DO?Pyro shouted.-It looks like people found out it was us that deleted CS:GO and they said they will show no mercy.All of their stuff they wasted money on...gone.-YOU COULD HAVE JUST SENT EVERYONE THEIR MONEY BACK,IT WASN'T HARD TO DO THAT YOU FUCKING IDIOT.-Why didn't you tell me then?-Well... I thought you would do it.-Prepare yourself,they have already tracked our location.NFKRZ said.-How the actual fuck am I supposted to "prepare myself".Pyro asked.-Remember that device Putin gave me? Well,we aren't going to use it.But we are going to use another device that basically gives amnesia.-Oh ok.Pyro said while calming down.A few hours later,they came.NFKRZ pressed the button to activate it,but it didn't work.-OH NO! THIS DEVICE ISN'T WORKING!They were scared.But then...the god came.Who was the god?Lt. Corbis.-HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO SAVE US? YOU'RE AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD KID!They shouted.-Maybe I am an eleven year old kid,but i can fix your little device.She said.-FUCK YES!They were happy,but then the devil came.The devil was KEEMSTAR.-You are not getting saved.I WANT TO SEE YOU DIE FOR RUINING ME!!!Keem shouted laughing.-NO YOU WON'T YOU FUCKING RAT-GNOME OR WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU ARE.They said.-You won't stop ANYTHING.Corbis said.She started fixing the device,Keem tried to destroy it,but Corbis won't let that happen.She won't let Keem destroy the device that could save Pyro and NFKRZ.And then...Corbies kicked Keem.He fell onto the ground.-Fuck you!She shouted.The device was fixed,they all pressed the button at the same time and then,the skin insanity patients just went back to their home.-Well this was a morning!They laughed.NFKRZ went back to his house and they continued making clickbait commentaries,and swore not to tell ANYONE.The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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