First Day (Yasmin)

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"I'm so excited," I said as I jump into the car.

Angel sat in the passenger seat staring into the visor mirror putting on mascara. "Yasmin, you're always excited for the first day of school," she rolled her eyes, "With your new notebooks and pencils and binders and-"

"Okay, I get it!" I laughed, "But look at this car. We aren't just going to a new classroom. We are going to a new home, a new place, a new start." Angel gave me a smirk and I continued, "I'm serious Angel!"

"I know, I know," Angel mocked, "No more fighting or rebellious acts."

"You make it sound like we were the bad kids who got suspended all the time," I said.

"Well, we were."

"Not!" I corrected her, "We just always seemed to get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. I refuse to get sucked into any drama from now on."

"Got it, avoid bad drama," Angel gave me a fake salute. 

"Avoid all drama." 

"Fine, but it's gonna be hard."

We pulled away from Angel's house and I watched as her crying parents were disappearing in the rearview mirror. 


"Hiya! Welcome to Aurora University!" A very peppy girl says handing a few papers into my hand.

"Oh, thank you," I smiled as Angel and I placed our luggage on the floor.

"What is this?" Angel asked.

"It's a campus map," the girl giggled, but Angel's face was unamused. "I'm Natalie."

"Okay," Angel said picking up her bag. I noticed the girl's smile turn into a straight line.

"Nice to meet you is what she meant," I stepped between them quickly. "I'm Yasmin, she's Angel." 

"Well nice to meet you too," she cheered up instantly. "Go right up to that tent over there and give them your student I.D. and they'll give you all the information you're going to need."

"Thanks so much," I picked up my bag.

"No problemo," she smiled and we walked by her towards the tent. 

"Kiss ass," Angel said.

"Who? Me or her?"

"Both. Who knows, maybe she's your new bestie."

"Oh shut up!" I pushed her playfully. 

"Hi, welcome," a more mature girl says. "Can I have your names?"

"Yasmin Delgado."

"Angel Goodrich."

"Delgado," she whispered to herself flipping through papers. "Ah-ha, Yasmin Delgado you are in room A213. Here's your key to your dorm and your mailbox key and your college starter pack."

"Thank you," I grabbed the keys and box from her. 

"Angel Goodrich, you are in room A215. Your dorms are in Serendipity Hall," she handed Angel her things and we headed for the dorm buildings. 

As we walked through the campus I truly began to realize how big it was. I recognized some faces from the sunset party, but I also realized that there weren't many people from my high school. Thank God!

"Here we are, Serendipity Hall," I said excitedly. "That's kind of a weird name."

"That's because Aurora wants to be one of the most unique colleges in the US," a girl stepped out of one of the dorms saying. The girl had long red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin was a warm beige, she was flawless. "I'm Margaret, but you can call me Maggie or Mags."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled. Angel continued walking down the hallway looking for her room as if she hadn't heard anything the girl just said, "She's Angel. We've been friends since forever."

"Oh, cool," Margaret said, "What dorm number are you?"

"I'm A213 and she's A215," I answered. 

"Well I'm an Aura student, so I moved in two weeks ago. This whole building is A, which are incoming freshmen and each floor is the hundreds. This side is two hundred and fifty to two hundred ninety-nine." She led me through a center lounge to a parallel hallway of rooms. "This is two hundred to two hundred forty-nine. Your down that end, but now you know where I'm at, dorm A262."

"Great, thank you so much. Now I gotta go get Angel," I laughed. 

"Alright, well good luck with everything. I hope everything goes smoothly," Margaret smiles and with that, she turns around and heads back to her dorm. 

I go back to the other hallway to find Angel. "Angel?"

"Yasmin, I quit," she said sitting on the ground next to her bags.

"What?" I laughed.

"These bags are too heavy and I'm pretty sure they sent us to the wrong building as some kind of practical joke," she moaned. 

"What are you talking about?"

"The rooms Yasmin, I can't find the rooms," she said growing frustrated.

"Probably because they aren't in this hallway genius," I said tapping her leg with my foot, "I found them, they're in the other hallway."

She jumped up before I could say anything else and said, "Bring me to them at once."

We reached our dorms and noticed that our names were already marked on the doors. "Looks like we're right across from each other," I said.

"Yup and it looks like these are our roommates. Remind me again why we didn't room together."

"Because we want the full college experience, don't worry we can room together next semester."

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "Well good luck if you're roommate's already there."

"Thanks, you too."

"I wasn't giving you good luck, I was giving it to your roommate because having to deal with you is a pain."

"I know that's why I said you too," I laughed, "Cause you're no walk in the park. Now remember, play nice."

We both put our keys into the lock and at the same time turned the knob and swung open the door.

One Letter (Book 2)-[COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora