chapter 1: the arrival

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(Previously on doctor whooves: Dr whooves: Derpy it's time to go.
Derpy: coming doc!)


*tardis sounds*

Dr whooves: were here Derpy manehattan!

Derpy: where are the weeping angles doc?

Dr whooves: that's a very good question Derpy. A very good question indeed.

Derpy: but isn't there supposed to be weeping angles here, doc?

Dr whooves: yes there is, but I don't see any.

Derpy: let's ask Colgate she's right over there!

Dr whooves: that'll do, that will do.

*they trot over to her*

Derpy: hey Colgate!

Colgate: oh hi Derpy and doctor...

Dr whooves: well this is awkward.

Derpy: how is it awkward?

Dr whooves: well she used to be my assistant before you.

Derpy: oh!

Dr whooves: hello Colgate.

Colgate: hi doc, I didn't know Derpy was your new assistant.

Dr whooves: well she is and did you happen to see any stone ponies with wings?

Colgate: no.

Dr whooves: hmm odd, very odd indeed.

Derpy: um doc.

Dr whooves: not right now, I'm trying to think.

Derpy: doc!

Dr whooves: not right now, I said!!!

Derpy: doctor!!!!

Dr whooves: what is it!?!?!

Derpy: behind Colgate I see one.

Dr whooves: what do you mean by that?...

Derpy: told you!

Dr whooves: Colgate look behind you.

Colgate: *looks behind herself * gah! What do I do?

Dr whooves: don't look away and don't blink.

Colgate: why shouldn't I blink?

Dr whooves: because if you blink your dead.

(End of chapter 1)!

Dr.whooves And Derpy In: The Weeping Angles Invade ManehattanWhere stories live. Discover now