One and only

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I was only 15 when this happened. My mom and dad were out of town for the weekend. I had the house all to myself so, I decide to do what any other teenage boy would do when his parents are gone. Invite my girlfriend over! When her bother dropped her off he had no idea that my parents weren't home, which was exactually what we wanted him not to know. Before she even came over, I had popcorn and netflix ready to go. I put on the best shirt I had and waited inpationtly at the door. Once the door bell rang I waited to open it to make it look like I wasn't waiting by the door for her ,even thought I was, then opened it to see her standing in the doorway with her bothers car was no where to be seen. I asked "weres your brother"? She said " he didnt feel like sticking around. He has some friends at home and didn't want to be away from them for very long, consiteding last time he did, they total trashed the place". She walked in and knew axacally where to go. We sat down and started to watch "50 first dates". Towards the middle of the movie, my girlfriend started to fall asleep. Thats when I heard a knock on the door. No one else was supposed to be coming over that I knew of. The sound of the knock woke my girlfriend and we both got up to see who was at the door. Know one was there. Weird, I thought and as soon as we went to shut the door we heard a window smash. She clung to me like she was glued to me and never wanted to let go. I told her to run upstairs and lock herself in my bed room while I get my phone and a knife from the kitchen. She ran upstairs with out questioning me and did acactully as i said. When I got into the kitchen there was no one in there so i quickly grabbed a knife and my phone. As soon as I started to turn around and head toward the stairs, I heard some one walking my way, so I hid under the sink where we keep all the cleaning supplies. The person who had broke in is now looking through everything in our kitchen and what he thought looked nice he put into his bag he stole from one of our closets. As soon as I hear him walking away, I opened the cabinets I was hiding in and bolted for the stairs. By the time I got there he was already going up them. I heard him beat my bedroom door down with something. I'm not sure what it was. After he managed to get my door open I heard my girlfriend sceam, quickly followed by gun shots. I ran upstairs but by the time I got there I was too late. The guy had already moved on to another room and my girlfriend laid there motion less on the floor. I wanted to scream and cry but i held it in and got the hell out of there. I ran all the way to my neighbors house and banged on the door till someone opened it. When they opened the door I was sobbing. They let me in and I some how managed to tell them everything. They called the cops emedietly. When the cops showed up it was to late. They never did find the guy how had broken into my house and when my parents were called they came as quick as they could. I am now 22 and I still have nightmares. I never did get over my girlfriend that I had been with for two years. Just goes to show how you can't trust anyone when you home alone....

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