First Date

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December 16, 2015, 12:13PM Natasha Romanoff couldn't be happier. Literally, it was difficult for her to find happiness, especially after Bruce Banner abandoned her after the battle of Sokovia. It had been at least 3 months since his departure, and there still wasn't word from him. Then there came a day, where a battered Bruce appeared on the doorstep of the new Avengers Facility. Natasha was pissed, but mostly happy at Bruce's return.

It took awhile for Bruce to become settled, but when that time came, he was confident to ask Natasha out on a date. Well, he didn't really say much, but Nat knew exactly what he had meant.

But now isn't the time for flashbacks. It was time to gussy up for dinner. Each one of them took awhile to prepare, whether it be physically preparing, or mentally preparing. Each took a shower, did their hair, and picked a fancy outfit.

December 16, 2015, 7:34PM
 Bruce and Natasha stepped out in front of each other, finally revealing themselves.

"You look handsome..." Natasha had said.

"You do, too. I mean-you look good, I look astonishing." Bruce stuttered.

"A fair choice of words." Natasha said playfully.

Then Tony walked out wearing a suit equally as fancy as Bruce's.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Natasha sighed.

"Greetings! I will be your driver tonight. If you'll follow me please..." Tony over acted and lead the couple out to a shiny silver limousine.

"Tony, you really didn't need to do this..." Bruce said, chuckling a bit.

"Well, how else will you get to the restaurant?"

"We could always walk. The restaurant is only a block away."

"The only way is by limo. No exceptions."

Bruce rolled his eyes then looked to his date.

"Ladies first..."

"Then Tony should be getting in first." Natasha said, carefully climbing into the vehicle. Bruce followed after, and Tony climbed into the driver's seat.

December 16, 2015, 8:15PM 
The restaurant was quiet, classical music and small chatters were the only sounds around Bruce and Natasha. Natasha averted her eyes elsewhere to avoid making Bruce uncomfortable, but Bruce was uncomfortable enough as it is. Under the table, his legs were tightly crossed tight and he fiddled with his hands nervously. Natasha easily noticed this and tried to make him feel better.

"Anything new going on in the lab? What am I saying, there's always something new."

"Indeed...Tony has just introduced me to his latest project. You know, with me being gone and all. Anyway, he told me about his Pyrokinetic glove prototypes. The gloves control fire, and could even contain it once modified."


"It seems very useless-"

"No, it's not useless."

"Oh, well it's just coming out of boredom. There hasn't really been anything for us science guys to do."

"How about one day you train with us agent-guys? It could take your minds off the boredom."

"I'm not much of a know me..."

"You should try it. Just come by any time, alright." Natasha gave a reassuring smile, and Bruce responded with a nod.

December 16, 2015, 8:45PM 
Bruce and Natasha eyed the oncoming dishes, patiently awaiting the food's arrival. They were odd, but delicious dishes. A small dish of smoked salmon and assorted salads. Luckily, this was in favor of both beings. They ate their food daintily, finishing their food by 9:00.

December 16, 2015, 11:50PM 
The hours had quickly passed. Natasha and Bruce had stayed awhile, watching the band play and even taking a step onto the dance floor.

Now they had wandered to the park. It was quiet, with no one in sight. Their hands were interlocked, and their footsteps were in sync. They soon came to a bench, where they sat to take a break. A breeze brushed upon their faces as it did to the trees. Natasha broke the silence.

"Beautiful night..."


Bruce looked over at Natasha his eyes shiny and glazed.


"I'm so sorry...i-it was selfish of me to leave like leave you."

"Shh...we'll talk later. Let's just have this moment."

Bruce nodded. "A-alright."

They both looked forward, admiring the night sky. The stars' twinkles reflected in there eyes. Both looked to each other again, but said nothing. Bruce's cheeks were tinted pink. He tried to avert his eyes, but was drawn into Natasha's looks. While he usually only payed attention to personality, it almost seemed like personality was depicted through looks at that moment.

Their minds were almost in sync, as both leaned closer to each other. Closer, closer...until their lips touched.

November 17, 2015, 12:00AM

BruceNat Week Day 1 - First DateWhere stories live. Discover now