In Love With A Werewolf, Kidnapped by a Fairy...Wait...What? (Book 2)

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Book 2! I know! It's going to be amazing!

Don't worry all the people you know and love will be in it :) Plus a few more peeps.

So I've added Fairies to the mix! BUH-BAM!

Please comment and vote. Tell me what you think about this lovely new part of my series.



 It might be easier to understand this story if you read my first one, How To drive A Vampire Completely Insane. Ok loves?

We Found Love, Rihanna Ft. Calvin Harris.

I love this song. <3


There it was again!  I narrowed my eyes and stared at the tree behind me searching for whatever had moved a couple of seconds ago and scared the living hell out of me.  Everything was quiet and the only thing I could see moving was the leaves on the tree swaying gently in the light breeze that was blowing from the south.

"Maybe I am crazy like everyone says." I muttered, turning back around and continuing on my stroll through the park near my parents house. THis time of day the dirt path was empty except for the occational jogger. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of the wind on my skin and the smell of the swamp.

A twig snapped from behind me and I whirled around, but no one was there. Now this was starting to feel like one of those really tacky horror movies. I heard another twigg snap behind me so I decided to do what all those other doomed heroin's didn't do. DENY DENY DENY!

"La la la, I don't hear anything." I sang, skipping along the path way from the noise. The sound of foot steps a few yards behind me almost made me turn around to see who it was but I knew that's when I'd see nothing and when I turned around again... I'd be dead!

There was a frustrated sigh from behind me and I grinned to myself. It was hard to stalk and kill someone if they ignored you, takes away from the fun. The air around me filled with the scent of fresh cut grass and flowers with a hint of decay and the wind picked up enough to make my hair fly around my face.

I knew something was up, whoever was behind me wasn't just a human. Just my friggin luck! But I continued with my steady pace, pretending it was perfectly normal for me to be sourunded by a whirlwind while everywhere else was perfectly calm and wind free.  I paused to tie my hair into a bun, "Man, it's offly windy for this time of July." I commented outloud as I started walking down the dirt path again.

Suddenly everything went quiet and the wind stopped trying to knock me over and the air smelled like pine trees again. I guess whoever....Whatever it was gave up for now. But I knew they'd be back again tomorrow. How do you know that you ask? Because they've been doing it every day for a week now and I've studiously ignored them and continued on with my rutine.

My cell phone started buzzing in my pocket, making me jump slightly in supprise. I quickly pulled it from the shallow pocket of my black skinny jeans and pushed the little talk button and brought it to my ear, "Oh-lo?" I answered, smiling when I heard the finimiler laugh of my boyfriend, Troy on the other end.

"You're so weird you do know that right?" He said, and I could imgine his handsome face grinning as he spoke.

Absent mindedly I rubbed the little mark on my base of my throat with the fingers of my free hand, "What'd up dude?"

In Love With A Werewolf, Kidnapped by a Fairy...Wait...What? (Book 2) On HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now