Phases | Chapter One

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RINGGGG! The dismissal bell, finally. I gathered my books and went quickly to my locker and tossed my papers in. I grabbed my bag before slamming the weak metal thing closed and rushed home. Tonight homework's the last thing on my mind. I have wayyy more take care of. I ignored the weird look of my classmates as I pushed my way through the crowded hallways and out the door. I practically sprinted home. When I walked in everything was quiet, which was...strange, for this household at least. I walked to the living room to find my mother passed out on the couch, beer bottle in hand, pile of bills on the side table. I sighed and took the beer from her hand placing it next to the bills, I don't want to have to clean that up later. My father was no were in sight which was good, I'd be able to sneak out without being cursed at for not being good enough, even though I was top of my class. I rushed to my room closed my door and through my bag on my bed. I got out of my stupid school uniform, the only thing skirts like that are good for is hiding things and getting attention. I threw on some dark jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. As I tied my hair up I went over all the places I could find these guys in my head. This new gang...they called themselves Bangtan something or other, BTS for short. I chuckled to myself as I tucked my hair up under my SnapBack and pulled on a baggy sweatshirt, they need to know their place. I tucked a switch blade up my sleeve, just in case, not like I'd actually need it. I walked back to the living room to make sure she was still asleep, she was, and I headed out. It'd be a while till the moon was even close to out or it was close to dark, so you decided to get some information. I knew the basics, seven guys, ranging from around your age to somewhere in there twenties, considered the new "pretty boy" group which amused you, strong enough to think, and attempt, and pretty much succeed, at challenging the current top gang, EXO. Which isn't good for me, because that gang pretty much did my bidding and if someone's pushing EXO around they answer to me. I could definitely use more strength keeping smaller gangs in there place, so I'm either using them or crushing them. Clearly these Bangtan shitheads know who you are, they took on EXO and so they were clearly warned about you. You entered a dark alley way and was greeted by a scared, bloody EXO. You pulled your SnapBack down further to cover your eyes, your hood keeping your face in the dark. You sighed, the only downside to you pretty much ruling over all of the cities gangs is they all think your a dude, because in there sexist small minds only guys can fight as well as you could. So as if to laugh back at them you left the girl gangs alone, they knew who you were, and they had your back always, and you had there's. But the guys didn't suspect anything, so you had to make your voice sound as deep as possible when talking, which is why you talked so little when it came to these types of things. They're leader, Suho, cleared his throat and spoke up, "There strong dude, really strong..." He said slowly. You scoffed "strong, mhmm...they must have been." You chuckled "it was nine against seven" you stated clearly annoyed, and slightly pissed. The group simple stayed quiet, only a few murmurs were heard between the nine. You sighed and clenched your jaw, "you made a fool of me you know that right?" You spat at them, "Where are these kids?" You said. The boys flinched and stayed quiet, "you brats really are useless aren't you! I swear I need to do everything around here..." You turned away from them, they didn't dare try and stop you from walking away. You shoved your hands in your pockets, there were a few popular meet up areas for gangs like BTS, you'd just have to check them all, you thought to yourself. The first spot wasn't far from here with any luck they'd be there. You walked for a while before turning into another dark alley. This time you were greeted a few smaller gangs and the smell of alcohol and smoke. The moment they saw you a few whispers were exchanged before some kid no older then you walked up to you, bottle in one hand cigaret in the other. "What can we do ya for wolfie?" He said with a hint of a giggle, clearly drunk. You took the bottle and cigaret from him throwing them both the the ground behind you with a loud crash from the bottle. "BTS." You stated simply. He had backed away from you when you took the bottle from him "Ah, I heard they at the next spot dude" he said in a more serious voice. "You shouldn't be drinking" you chuckled, "and don't call me that again, k kiddo?" You said walking past the group of guys further into the alley. You walked for a while, you could hear shouting and cheering from ahead. You turned a corner and there they were, the Bangtan boys. One of them was mid fight with some poor dude so no one noticed when you walked up which was good. You couldn't tell who was in the fight, you didn't exactly know there names of course. He was decently tall, had black hair, and somewhat babyfaced, maybe the youngest of the group. He picked the guy up off the ground by his collar and slammed him into the brick wall, "Don't you dare call me a kid" he spat and slammed the poor guy into the wall again. The guy winced but didn't cry out, "I'm sorry-" he coughed out but he was only slammed into the wall again. "Come on Jungkook, that's enough. He's learned not to mess with you, put him down now." A tall blonde guy with broad shoulders and a mature face said calmly. So the kids name is Jungkook, I thought to myself chuckling somewhat. No one had noticed me yet which was good, there weren't many people though, someone would notice you eventually. There were only BTS the poor guy who was now on the ground, Jungkook had let him go and walked back over to his group still fuming, and a few others who had gathered to watch the fight. "Don't tell me what to do Jin." He said sharply to the man who had told him to stop. And he's Jin, clearly older then Jungkook. "Ay! Yo! Kid!" You said nodded towards Jungkook, still leaning against the wall, you knew calling him kid would piss him off which is why you said it. He snapped his head towards you, everyone else did to, you were the center of attention. "Respect your elders." You said nodding toward Jin. This only made Jungkook even more mad, and with all this anger he didn't recognize you. Then again he's never seen you before so that might make sense. The people around BTS started whispering and such clearly knowing who I was. Jungkook clenched his jaw, his hands forming fists as he stormed over to you, "looks like I need to teach you to." He spat grabbing my collar and pulling me close to him "who do you think you are" he said studying me. You chuckled, this only pissed him off further "Who are you!" He yelled at me. He looked surprised when I didn't flinch, "The Wolf" I growled back at him, he went white.
A/N: OMGGG sorry it's really long XD i realllly liked writing this so I hope you enjoyed! Let me knowww! Please point out any mistakes you find so I can fix them

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