Assassin One Shot

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I place the empty metallic silver pistol back on the wall with the others. I look over my shoulder to examine the small target I was practicing on. I turn as I see almost all the holes near or in the bullseye not shocked by the fact that I'm the perfect shot. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and take off my bullet proof vest and goggles and put them on the rack opposite of all the weaponry.

The officer on duty (heh) dismisses me from the shooting range and tells me to head back to the cabin to get some rest before morning training. I give him a sharp nod and salute then head to the cabins where the others currently are.

As I stroll down the long hallway, I see Kai walking out of combat center. He looks on edge as he quickly walks towards the cabin we share. I don't call out his name, but my footsteps must have alerted him because he turns around at the sound of them.

"Harry, my man." Kai's facial expression instantly changes when he spots me. Although he does look cheerful, his demeanor says otherwise.

"Kai." I say in a neutral tone. He doesn't seem fazed by my tone because he is most likely used to it. We continue walking towards our cabin together in peaceful silence.

Kai Blackwood and I have been friends since we were both placed here at an early age too early for either of us to remember. The orphanage we were in gave us up to the government for extra money, those bastards. They train us to be assassins and then sell us to work in different countries.

"Have you ever thought about the fact that we are prostitutes for the government? I mean they basically train us only to sell us to do other people's dirty work." Kai voices his inner thoughts.

Before I could respond, a small figure emerges from the shadows of the empty hallway. No, it's not Louis Tomlinson, but I wish it was.

"Hey, hoes." Cassandra says as she joins making us a small group as I stand between the two.

"I knew we were prostitutes!" Kai exclaims.

"Lo sono amico di idioti. (I'm friends with idiots.)" I mutter under my breath.

"You know we didn't take Italian," Cassandra rolls her eyes, "Ukhidhat alearabia. (I took Arabic.)"

"Well I took Daddy Kink." Kai says while leaning closer to me, "Baby girl, I'm going to make you feel so good." His voice lowers into a seductive tone which sends shivers down my spine.

"Are you asking for a death sentence?" Cassandra pushes Kai away from me while I clear my throat. I don't say anything as Cassandra and Kai carry on the conversation, just listening in blissful peace.

"WE WO WE WO WE WO" Patrick ran through the hallway and went to the krusty krab.

"PATRICK, WAIT!" Spongebob desperately yelled after him.

"Guys, that's the alarm. I didn't know there was a drill today." I start leading us to the designated spot.

"Yeah, because there isn't a drill today." Cassandra responded, following closely behind me and Kai.

"I'm going down to closet right by weaponry. I don't wanna walk around unarmed, plus no one would suspect us to be in there." Kai turns down the opposite hallway. I would follow him, but I know that East Wing is closer than the spot where Kai is leading us to.

"But Kai-" I call out to him trying to reason quickly before we are spotted.

"Trust me on this." He begins sprinting down the hallway. Cassandra looks at me before bolting off after him. I let out an exasperated sigh before running after them, having a bad feeling in my gut.

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