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@Yummy__YumYum tagged me so I have to do this because I'm so nice! XD Alright! Let's do this!!

1. Would you rather be a Shadow or a Reflection?

I pick Shadow! I believe that I can sneak someone's shadow and mess around with the person. Also, it just remind me of a character from anime. It's Kuroko no Basket....

2. Are you Right or Left footed?

Right footed I guess! xD

3. Do you believe in Magic? If you do, why and what kind?

Nah. I don't believe in magic. Sorry! >.<

4. If you could visit any of your fandom worlds at any time, which would it be?


But also, Gintama, RWBY, Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia), Tekken and Guilty Gear! There's much more but that's all I can say for now.

5. Your favorite OTP?

McHanzo, Zenji, and Reaper76! ^ V ^

6. Can you rub your belly, pat your head, and jump at the same time? DO IT!


7. If you started having legit voices in your head, like there was someone here, How would you deal with it??

Actually, I'm okay with it. I wouldn't need to be alone. AND IT'S REMIND ME OF MY FAVORITE ANTI-HERO, DEADPOOL!! X)

8. Chocolate or Fandoms?

Fandoms of course! I'm really sorry Hershey! I will still love you...

9. Would you rather be Eldest, Middle, Youngest, or Only Child?

I have sisters and I'm grateful to have them. I don't like to be alone with my parents. I'm the middle child so I prefer to be the same. DON'T WANT TO BE THE ELDEST NOR YOUNGEST. So I'm okay for who I am now X3

10. Would you rather the gift of Flight and Invisibility or Teleportation and Telepathy?

I rather have teleportation and telepathy. They are cool in my opinion. Sure, I do want to fly around the world BUT I love to teleport any places I want!

11. Push the Red Button or do not?

Nope! I'm too lazy.

12. Can you sing? Even you can't, what's your favorite song?

NO, I CAN'T SING. But my sisters told me that I sing good tho. AAH! CAN'T DECIDE WHAT'S MY FAVORITE SONG!! I guess Aimo by Lizz Robinett

13. What's the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?

During first block in my class, I was with my cool friends and we were just talking stupid stuff. Then my close friend (Not going to say her name in here) came to the class and she was acting really weird to us. I was like" wth?" So I just ask her some questions to my friend and she started to laugh too much and saying stupid words to us. I got worry for her and she started to sing a song that I don't even know! In the end, it was weird for me and thankfully she's okay now X)

NOW I'M DONE! WOW! Took me a while!

@Yummy__YumYum You better read this please! Let me know if I'm doing it right! XD

I don't want to tagged anyone right now. I'm tired...

Thank you for reading! Take care!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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