who am I....?

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It was dark, that all he could remember. it's been dark for so long, and so so very cold, though cold and hot, were no longer even a sensation. Lost in his weightless Floating in a ethereal soup of his own conscious. Sometimes a words or phrases broke through, disturbing his peace. He vaguely thought he'd heard the voice of a man once, though the only words he made out were, "experiment" and "waste of time". Slipping back into his womb of peace once more.

Stephen had been like this for a very long time now, he had no memory. Aside from perhaps one blurry scene from long long, ago of a woman. A woman with long beautiful hair, she older than he, eyes full of love and compassion. He remembered her well at first, the memory slowly, slowly, fading away. Until at last all he had was her smiling face, for his entire world.

Floating and floating, Thomas.... no, stephen (Do names really matter he wondered breifly) Narrating his simple life within the vast confines of his conscious. Losing more of him self with each passing moment now, holding on vehemently to the image of the beautiful woman! John suddenly feeling the fingers of strong rough hands grip him about the shoulders and arms. Fighting, though only briefly an unexpected weakness came over him all to quickly. I know I was stronger! I know I was he thought desperately! The sudden realization of remembering his strength, forcing him to draw up straight just as the prying hands crested the blackness surrounding hank(or was it Stephen after all?!?) Light invading the safe comfortable womb he had known for so long!

That's when it happened! Shock setting in and before another moment passed a violent heave started in his stomach rising and rising! No longer concerned with his surroundings, the wet dripping figure lurched forward and breathed forth the same black oily substance that had been keeping him alive for so very long now! Heaving and lurching, expelling the vile poison coursing though him. For what seems like ages, breath wouldn't come, until the last vestiges were coughed out! Now with his breath returning, stephen (yes it must be Stephen, I'm sure of it) takes stock of his new, blindingly bright surroundings. Figures of all shapes and shapes surrounding his prone naked form. Waiting patiently for his first words in over a millennia.... the "Ka-a" finally comes to walk to earth again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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