The Family Curse

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For generations our family has been cursed. People in the family do not talk about it. You only get one or two walk throughs on it. It is not like a regular curse. Regular curses have three main categories, Mental, physical, and ghostly.
Unfortunately we didn't get any of thoughs. We got something rare, and powerful. Ours can not be undone. Let me explain what each categorie means.
Mental curses effect the brain, and cause mental illnesses like schizophrenia, anorexia, etc.
Physical curses effect anywhere on or in the body. These effect the body causing deformation, mutation, and other physical problems.
Now finally we get to the worst categorie of curses. The ghostly section. These curses are put on families by powerful people, who seek revenge. These curses are formed by a deep hatred and black magic. This is not like the other ones. Instead of just casting a curse, they summon demons, poltergeists, specters, and other nasty entity's. After it is casted on an individual it travels through the persons bloodline. They will haunt you until you die.
We however got a curse unknown, unnamed, and most powerful of all. Our curse gives you unnatural powers. I can see ghosts/demons, talk to them, and banish them in the right circumstances . My Mom, Susan Jones has telekinesis. Dad... well when they had their first child (me), Mom told him that her family had unnatural abilities, and powers. She told me he left to protect his family.
Our bloodline is the only one of its kind or so we know of. However my great great great grandmother pearl begs to differ. She says "The world is like an ocean, you never know where it will take you, or what secrets it holds unless you explore it." However there has never been a family with this as far as we know. Now let me tell you about my great great great grandmother pearl. I call her Grandma pearl, and the reason she is still alive is that she was gifted with eternal life. She is very wise, and knows more about the family than anyone alive. She lives in a top secret location, only the elders of the family know about. She is very well prepaired, because she owns a huge private library. It has books, scrolls, DVDs, VCR tapes, walk throughs, how to's, you get the point. However that is not where my story is going to begin.
That was the past, this is the future.
The year is 2005, my name is jackson Jones. I am 15 years old. I go to school in the little town of Carnage, Arkansas. It is off of the radar, and very hard to find. The only people who know where it is, is the neighboring towns. I am an ordinary teenager. I have a variety of friends such as neards, geeks, medium popular people, etc. Most people think I am wierd, but when i stare off i see something. My friends ask me why i do that, and I always reply "Oh I was just thinking" or "I have a headach". No one knows about my power, except my family.
One day i was sitting in class, and I saw something. Something terrable, yet so beautiful i could not resist to look at it. As i was sitting there i saw a briliant white figure. Standing there... looking at me. Then it held out its hand, and motioned for me to follow it. I didn't hesitate. I got up and asked to go to the bathroom. Ms.Heather does not care what you do when you are out of the classroom. So i caught a glimpse of the figure going into the gym. Luckily the coach wasn't in there.
As soon as the door shut behind me, it locked. As did all of the other doors. I tried to get out of every door, but they were all locked. Then i saw the figure standing in the middle of the gym. It was a girl with white hair that went down to her back. She looked as a porcelain doll standing there with pale skin, and an antique white dress that flailed out at the bottom. I walked near her, step by step... very slowly. I stopped about thirteen feet away from her. We stared at each other for a few seconds. Suddenly she bursted into a frenzy of white fire.
Her hair blew like the winds of Chicago. Her dress clinged to her porcelain legs. Then she spoke in a powerful voice saying "Jackson Jones, son of Susan Jones. You are to do a great task... a task that could save or destroy the little town of Carnage." Once i got over my fear, I asked "What do you want me to do." It said "You will gather three true friends. They all will have powers, different than yours. Take them to the old museum, southeast of this place. There you will find what you need. Now go do what i have told you, and i will see you in the future." Then with a blinding white light, and a puff of smoke she was gone.
After that happend everything went black. When i woke up i heard the sound of a bell. Crap...that was the lunch bell. I picked myself up, my legs felt like jello, and my head was spinning. When i pulled myself together, I walked to the cafeteria. I went through the empty line, then went and sat down with my friends. I didn'tdare say anything about my experience. No matter how bad I wanted to I just couldn't. "They will think im crazy" I said to myself.
My friend Jewel asked me if i was ok. I replied with "Oh im just realy tired, didn't get much sleep last night." Jewel was a cheerful girl with emerald eyes, and hair as red as fire. She has sun tanned skin, with freckled cheeks. She is always kind to others, but others are not kind to her, because of the gap in her two front teeth. Then all of my friends stopped talking, and looked over at me. They stared deeply at my face. Then Dillon said "You don't look well."
"I'm fine."
Then Taylor said "You look really pale."
"I said I'm fine!"
Then the rest of them chimed in and started fussing at me saying "Hey, there is no need to get angry at us." Then I had a thought. Maybe i can get some of my friends to walk off, and then the three true friends that I am supposed to take will be dwindled down. So i said "I am tired, I don't need you asking me if I'm ok for the thousandth time. I said I'm fine, now get out of my face." Some were angry, shocked, sad, and emotionless. Then Taylor said "Well we were just making sure you were ok. If you don't want our help you can live without some of us." Then she got up and walked off. As did Bill.
As much as I hated to do that to them i had to. Now I only had 6 friends left, which were Jewel, Chris, Dillon, Jennifer, Dan, and Anne. How would I narrow it down from there on? I couldn't just keep making them mad. I don't have that many friends anyway, so why get rid of them? To narrow it down more, I would have to consult with the one person who would know what to do... my Mom.
After lunch the day went by in a blur. A senseless surreal blur. When I got home I knew what I had to do. So I said "Hey Mom have you ever had a special mission, something you were commanded or had to do?"
"Come on, spit it out!"
"There was a ghost girl, and she told me to follow her, and so I did. Then she told me to take three true friends to the old museum, and everything that I would need would be there. The bad thing is that I dont know who my true friends are! I am asking you with all that I am to help me find out who my three true friends are, please!"
"...Oh my gosh... the prophecy has come true."
"Wait Mom what prophecy?"
"I was not suposed to tell anyone, but Grandmother Pearl was told about a prophecy. It told of a boy of 15 years old that would go on a great quest with three true friends. All of them would have powers, and the task would require a great sacrifice."
"Well how do i find out who my true friends are!"
"There is one way, a sacred way. Your great aunt Rose may be able to help. However I don't know where she is. It may take a few days to track her down."
"Well what do I do in the mean time?"
"Get prepaired, since you have the power to see, communicate, and banish ghosts, it may involve ghosts. So practice offensive and defensive manuvers. Remember each power holds its secrets."
"What do you mean?"
"What i mean is you may find that your power has more secrets that will be unlocked. I know I found some."
"Like wha..."
"Ug you ask too many questions. It's late go to bed. If I am lucky I will find aunt Rose tomorrow."
"Ok, good night Mom."
"Good night, love you."
"Love you too."
I trudged up stairs to by bed, only to find it was not made. I took all of my strenght, and made the bed. Then I layed down, said my prayers, and went into a deep sleep. Then i started having a dream.
I dreamed I was in a library. The library had a red carpet, with rows upon rows of books. Then before my eyes, I saw the girl from the gym. She appeared about 15 feet away from me this time. When she spoke this time she didn't burst into white flames. Instead her voice sounded calm, and soft like silk. She said "Well done Jackson Jones, you have retrieved a small clue. Your aunt Rose will be a necessity to your task. Your Mother did not tell you what her power is did she?" Knowing that she was a powerful being I used my manners.
"No mam she didn't. What is it?"
"Well, she has the power to tell what happend, and what is going to happen. She will tell you who your true friends are. She may also tell you what your powers secrets are."
"Why can't you tell me you seem to know what is going to happen?"
"I can not. I can see to an extent. However I mustn't help you on this. I have allready had my task."
"What was your task?"
"ENOUGH!" She said erupting in white flame.
"Sorry." I said
"No, I am sorry. I need to learn to controle my temper. If you ever need me, take a deep breath and concentrate on my name."
"What is your name?"
"Sarah Bell."
"Ok thanks... I guess." Then she gave a compassionate nod of the head, and faded into darkness. As did my dream.
When I woke up, I went downstairs. Ug... I had school today. I would have to face another day of 10th grade. I should be use to it. It is of course the middle of the year. I made me the usual breakfast food which is cerial. While Mom wasn't looking I put about one cup of sugar in it, to wake me up. After I was done, I went back upstairs to change out of my pajamas. I picked a red shirt with a black and white eagle on it, and blue jeans what have false holes in them. Then i finished off my morning routine by brushing my teeh, putting on deodorant, and brushing hair. Afterwards I walked downstairs with my grey backpack, and sat down on the couch. Mom started talking to me saying that she would come get me when she found out where aunt Rose was. Then i heard the bus nearing. So, I got up off of the relaxing couch, and grabbed my grey jacket with fleece lining as I walked out the door.
The bus was the usual. Chaotic and loud, but my earphones fixed that quickley. When i got to school it was time for class. Math was a blur, I didn't understand anything. Science was interesting, because of the fact that I love most all of the arts. Art was great we studied pastel drawings, which was my favorite. The other classed were a blur just like math. When I got to lunch I just layed my head down. No one spoke to me. By 7th period I was just done, I was so tired. Then I got a call from the office. I was being checked out, and I knew exactly why.

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