the vampires hunger

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the sun goes down and the darkness rises...

raising us from our deathly slumber..

we awaken hurgry for you ,craving you...

a thirst unquenchable comsumes our reason..

and we seek to bestow upon you our fetid kiss..

we hunt in the night seeking your warmth...

tasting you upon the winds breath...

a palpable presence bourne of your beating heart...

driving us like starving beasts trying to consume the world...

the thought of you already imagined upon our lips...

we seek to devour you...

your fear is a delight stimulating the animal within us..

hightening your scent awaking our blood lust within..

the fury of your heart as its tempo rises echos within our ears..

as we reach for you in the darkness the preditor howls in triumph..

all reason is lost and to our hunger we surrender...

we feed shedding our last traces of our forgotten humanity..

and the beast within consumes us too..

copyright peter madden 27/8/12

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2013 ⏰

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