Question challenge!

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This is just a challenge I was tagged in where I had to answer 13 questions.


1. Would you rather be a reflection or a shadow?

I think I would rather be a shadow since I could follow the person who I am the shadow of and I couldn't be shattered since a mirror could just be shattered which would kill me. But either way I guess both would be good.

2. Right or left footed?

I don't know if this question means right or left handed (in that case I would be right handed) but with feet I guess I'd be right footed since I do a lot of things like kicking a ball with my right foot.

3. Do you believe in magic? If you do why and what kind?

Yes. I do believe in magic but not the simple magic you get with the magicians which pretty much everyone knows how they do their tricks but the magic that happens either between people when their in love (bet you didn't think of that one did you?) Or when they do tricks that are pretty much impossible unless your are a mastermind or just an alien from another planet. I guess I believe in magic because it is something that we can't understand and that interests me.

4. If you could rewind time and reset your life would you?

Maybe. I don't really know the answer to that one since I like most parts of my life but I wouldn't mind going back knowing what I know now so that I wouldn't make the same mistakes but on the other hand if I did that then I wouldn't learn anything or learn from my mistakes.

5. Your fav OTP? (One true friend).

6. Can you rub your belly, pat ur head and jump up and down?

I can rub my belly and pat my head at the same time but I can't do all three at the same time.

7. If you started having voices in your head, what would you do?

I would probably get help since that isn't normal.

8. Chocolate or fandoms?

Chocolate and fandoms. I can't choose.

9. Would you rather be eldest, middle, youngest or only child?

Probably the middle child since I wouldn't be too old or too young but in the middle.

10. Flying and invisibility or telepathy and teleportation?

Flying and invisibilty because I like to fly and invisibility would be good for hiding and praying awesome pranks on people.

11. Push or don't push the red button?

Don't push the red button.

12. Can you sing? Even if you can't what song do you like to sing too?

I don't think I can sing but I've been told I can so I'm not sure but when I do sing I like a lot of songs but Adele Someone like you is probably the song I sing to most.

13. What's the creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?

I was home alone once and the hairs on my neck stood up and I felt like a breeze sweep behind me and I felt cold but when I turned around there was nothing there and then this piece of paper fell off of the table that was next to me.

14. What would you do if someone was following you home and you knew you was nearly home but you wasn't sure you could make it and the person following you was getting closer?

I would probably pick up my pace but if it wasn't getting distance between us then I would look for a house that either had a door open and walk towards it and if anyone asked then I would explain someone was following my or if I knew someone who lived on the street then I would go to them. If I could make it home then i would go home.


I added an extra question so it didn't end up on 13 and changed a few words from the original questions on the challenge. There are no rules for this challenge except to answer all the questions as truthfully as you can.

I'll tag...

elysiagrimesx jacksepticeye243 TheLittle_Naga_Girl thestorygirl223344 The_Celestial_Writer

It won't let my tag anymore for now plus I can't think of anymore but if you want to be tagged then I'll tag you or give me credit if you use my questions.(Credit only required for questions 4 and number 14.

Thanks for 440 followers and 2oo+ reads on my book "I slept with the bad boys girl" and 500+ reads on my other completed book "The rich

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