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I ran fast my bare feet exposed and bleeding , a new scar forming every minute but i couldn't stop i had no where to go this was my last hope.

   A tree branch scrapes across my face ripping open a new scar on my left cheek blood oozing down my face but I'd had worst , i just needed to get out of the woods i needed to get to the castle and there i would find my freedom . Like everyone always said, "in my queen I find salvation ".

"Come out come out where ever you are", that tanting voice said as i ran trying to build more distance between me and the man who had caused more pain then someone twice my age had experienced, but i soon realize there is no way i could outrun a 200 pound grown man the only opinion i had was to disable him long enough to escape.

I turn staring him in the face my body quivering as I face him blood running down my face from the scar I had acquired during a previous battle with one of the guards who keep me from freedom. He smiles his greasy teeth baring down in threatening gesture , but after all the time I had spent in his hell I wasn't even frightened. I spread my legs apart trying to get into some kind of posture that would give my tiny 95 pound body some kind of advantage against my gruesome capture.

"Aw come on sweetheart we've had so many great times together I'm not sure I'm ready to end the life of such a great play toy", he said smirking at he clinched his fist. "why don't you stop now and I can take u home and you can make it up to the boss I'm sure he'll let this little incident side", he said smiling. He was lying I knew that as sure as I knew only one of us was leaving this god forsaken hell alive. My hands were shaking as I pulled the small blade out of my bra that I had stolen from one of my captures when they had gotten drunk one night.

"Fine sweetheart let's do it your way", he said as he cracks his knuckles moving his neck to the side. A trickle or fear ran up my spine as I looked up at the larger man. He ramded into my body slamming me into a large oak tree knocking the breath out of my small body as he wrapped his large dirty hands around my throat choking the life out of my lungs. For a split second I pondered if dying was better then trying to fight back and keep running how far could I run maybe death was the only peaceful soultion. My eyes closed as my mind began to give in to the idea of death

"NO " , my wolf screamed filling me with a burst of energy. I screamed as it felt like a fire lit within my body my capture long forgotten as all 206 bones broke. Cracking and breaking causing painful sensations to rip across my heart sreadding my skin about as pelt sprouded out of my skin. I could feel my DNA changing chromosomes crossing and intertwining as my jaw split straight down the middle large animal theeth growing out of my snout. I had shifted five years to early my body was not ready to undergo such a drastic change so soon it was fighting the change. I suddenly felt a large gash open arcoss the side of my wolf form and I growled loudly. It seems in my frinsy I had forgotten about my prey but he had not forgotten me. He stood to the side clutching a knife dripping with blood , my blood. My wolf took control my legs flexing as I lept across a the large space separating me and my prey. I bit into his neck ripping flesh from bones the death cry's of the grown man invoking no empathy only signs of victory.

Long after the screams creast and the blood ran cold I shifted laying in the middle of winter naked beaten and battered but I was all to used to waking up like this from my years in captivity. My eyes closed my body creating a false sense of warmth to wrap my skin in . It seems I would die after all only the cause would be the cold temperatures of a harsh winter not a knife. I smiled wickedly knowing that at least I had taken that wretched man's life before I had let go of mine.

The Queen's P.O.V

"She looks no older than nine ", I tell Julian as I kneel next to the malnutrited female. She was beautiful she had long thick blond hair with pale skin that had now turned purple due to the cold damp and plumb red lips. She would have been perfect if it wasn't for the scars and bruises marking her body some old some fresh. I didn't even want to see what her back look like.
"Julian give me your jacket", I yell and then precede to wrap the young girl up like a small infant. Truth be told I was not much older then her having received my thrown at such a young age but after two years of living life as the queen of an entire nation I might as well have been a true adult. I picked the broken child up and handed her to my uncle brushing the dirt and blood off her for head .
"She will come to the palace and be treated with the kindness I'm sure she has never had her captures will be hunted down and hanged for the crimes against the child", I said loudly enough for my guards to hear "She will also receive guard training maybe she might just become our first female warrior" , I said grinning wildly about the prospect of having a female walk the floors of my very own training room .

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