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Authors note:
Fist I want to thank you all for reading and please like and put your opinion on the book. Please give me some credit for the front cover as I did draw it myself and added all details possible. This is my first book, read at your own risk and I hope u all enjoy it!

Chapter 1
Just like hell

The empty street full of cats (known as cat apocalypse) was thriving with screeching, hissing, fights, and murderous cat noises. Tabby cats fighting with hair-less ones, Birman's fought against their own shadows, Black ones and White ones and the list goes on and on. However, there was one little kitten amongst them all not seeming to care.

Amongst all of those cats was a white kitten, with a pink chest, she was quite small, one green eye with pink spots in it, the other eye with no colour, one grey ear and a stitched up, missing front leg and paw. But there was something about the eyes that was most hesitant.

The pupil of the kittens eye with no colour was thick and jet black, but the eye that was green with pink dots in it was odd enough but that pupil was perfectly normal.

The eye on the left side was the dull one and the eye on the right side was the colourful one. But that eye on the left side, that eye with no colour, that eye that would send shivers down your back and spine, that eye. When you looked at it it would make you feel uneasy, uncomfortable like something bad was going to happen. But when the White kitten looked at you with that eye, you would never forget what thoughts it would give you, or the experience of just looking at it.

The kitten was just standing in the middle of the crowd of evil cats like nothing was happening. She stared at the unknown path of light that sat before her, and started to walk towards it. The closer she got, the lighter it was, and the worse the left eye got.

As she got near to the end of the path, she got scratched in the face by a Siberian cat just under the eye. A loud hiss was echoing through the dark alley way and all the cats slowly stopped fighting and turned sharply at the Unknown kitten. As they gazed at her face, the scratch, her fur, red stains dribbled down her cheeks. The cats turned their heads slowly upwards to see that Mittens (the white kitty) left eye was bleeding blood, but not from the scratch... But from anger, hatred and pure evilness!

Suddenly, the light she had been following was fading away, the sky turned a horrible, sick black and all the cats froze in pure shock horror.

The leg less kittens eye was bleeding a heavy, dark red stain that was staining her beautiful, white coat of fur, and dribbling down her left cheek till it reached her only front leg and paw,and onto the cobblestone pathway.

Her tail shot up like sonic speed, she closed her eyes, turned her head slowly and shot open her eyes. The right eye was no longer colourful, but the colourful eye had turned pure black with evilness and her pupil was red and light. Her other eye had no pupil in it at all and it was all light. And for the first time she spoke.

"You pests should know something about me. If you ever touch me or do anything on me including breathing, I swear down on all ya dead mothers graves I will fucking kill you in the most painful, slowest, disgusting and unimaginable way ever. And you see this eye, you don't want to know what happens to it when it's in full power. You understand ya bunch of rats?" She said in a high pitched, serious tone.

Without a flinch, the other cats ran to hide. Some behind bins, others behind boxes, some jumped over the gate that blocked the way and the rest jumped on the highest building they could find, all except for one, black, scar eyed Tom cat. Then, without thinking, he answered back.

"Ya think ya can treat ya own breed like that eh? Well think again ya little pest. Ya got one more problem coming for ya."

"Well, look who's talk'n now eh? I tell ya what, if you just leave me alone their won't be any trouble ok? But if ya leave completely a'hm pretty sure ya gonna make me life better."

This conversation went on for a while, but in the end a fight broke out.

"You little piece of shit. You don't know who yer talking to. A'hm gonna break ya neck in one second and then what ya gonna do eh? Or should I do it now? Your a slut Mittens, or should I call ya bitchens."

"Well first that name doesn't make a flea of sense and second of all ya won't be able to break mah neck cos your a mother-fucking asshole that deserves to die and perish. Ya names Oar right? More like whore!"

Matters soon got worse as Oar kicked mittens a few centimetres away from him, but mittens got up and hissed at him furiously. Her teeth were as sharp as blades and as white as her fur. Then a real fight began.

"Ya think you can kick a kitten like that? Well ya got another thing coming whore."

Mittens ran up to Oar at maximum speed and without a flinch, jumped up in the air and slashed his nose and only eye remaining with sharp-as-hell like claws.

"Hisssssss. How could ya do that? Ya evil slut. You deserve to die!"

Blood splattered everywhere as the black Tom cats only eye bounced out of its socket! Oar tried to claw her eyes out but only pathetic attempts happened as the pain was to unbearable. He later collapsed right at Mittens paw and didn't budge. A small pool of dark red formed under his head, but Mittens backed away and left without a care in the world.

Her eyes went back to normal in about five minutes.

There were no more cats in the alley after seeing the fight.

A light appeared again and Mittens walked up to it. As she entered the whole place went silent. Not even the wind could be heard, but the only thing left was the black Tom cat, and a few paces away was his torn out, dull crystal green eye.

 Not even the wind could be heard, but the only thing left was the black Tom cat, and a few paces away was his torn out, dull crystal green eye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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