The weird tag thing

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Here we are A_Child_Universe


1: Have you ever groped someone in front of other people?

Hahahahaha, no. Funny enough, I only found out last year what the word 'grope' actually meant (dear old innocent me)

2: What line of a song do you feel relates to you the most?

The last line in the song Aoi Shiori by Amalee & Dima Lancaster. It's a beautiful song, please check it out and the line is: "Something must be wrong with me"

3: Favourite homosexual ship (yaoi)?

This is a tie between Turkey x Greece, England x America and England x France (nose bleeds)

4: Describe yourself in one word.

This may surprise people (if you've read my fanfics) but I'm often described as 'Serious' or 'Reserved'

5: Your favourite fictional character?

THIS IS SOOOOO HARD!!!!! But I'm gonna choose 3 (you cannot stop meh!): Spain (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia) and Sting (Fairy Tail). And yes, they are all hot guys.

6: What do you think is the most annoying fandom/fanbase?

Twilight. Without a doubt. Maybe Hunger Games coming in close second.

7: Chocolate or Matcha Tea?

Chocolate ;)

8: If you had any fictional item, what would it be?

Teleportation device. Japan here I come!

9: Do you talk to yourself most of the time?

Of course, sometimes I need expert advice.

So that's the end of that. Hope you enjoyed (whoever has read this) and I nominate these people:





Suck it guys :P

Here are the questions that I give to you:

1: What's your favourite anime?

2: Anime crush?

3: Which anime world would you want to live in? 

4: Which song do you like the most?

5: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

6: Which anime character would you most like to meet?

7: Which anime character would you least like to meet?

8: Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? 

9: Favourite swear word (this includes different languages)?

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