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So apparently I got tagged by @Johnny-was-a-hero and I guess I have to say what my favorite movies are or something? I honestly have never done this kind of thing before so.... Here we go?

1) Outsiders (duh)
2) mama
3) poltergeist
4) Deadpool
5) war of worlds (it's kinda old I know)
6) The visit
7) sisters (something like that)
8) basically any good horror movie
9) Any funny/inappropriate movies
So ya.... That's basically it. I'm more of a video game person honestly. SO now you guys know a little bit more about meh! YAY! Anyways thanks for reading and yes.... I do like homestuck.

I tag:
And KeeganFox

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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