But Daddy...

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"James stop please, please sto-"

"Sure baby, I'm nearly done"

"JAMES STOP NOW!" Leila screamed with fury.

"Why are you so uptight? Hmm? I think we should go to the next level with our relationship." James blew out a breath and sat back against the headboard.

"James I'm just not ready for this, we are moving too fast, don't you think?"

"Leila this is what you need! You have no idea how good it feels, you will thank me later." James started ripping Leila's tank top and skirt off.

James growled low as her hands were getting in the way, shaky and bursting with nerves. James hated nervous people.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"James ppleas- don't do this!" Leila hiccuped though her fresh tears.

Somewhere downstairs she heard a door slam, desperately trying to push off James she started to whimper and scream, only to get his hand over her mouth in return.

The door swung open, revealing her fathers right hand man. Mike, he was his best friend and Leila always thought of him as her second dad.

Taking in her appearance and the dominating position James had over her, Leila could see the rage build inside of his eyes at the sight.

Screaming Leila took her chance to free to jump out of under James and run while he was distracted. Sprinting past the doorway towards safety behind Mike she screamed,

"Fuck you James!"

Mike slams the door shut and no further words or actions are heard.

Later that night, opening the door to her room she found it clean and tidy and exactly the way it always is. Walking around she finds Mike in the living room.

Walking down the stairs she hears her father whisper yelling on the phone. Walking over to Mike and giving him a grateful hug and thanking him she gets up and goes to the kitchen to make a hot chocolate. Sometime later Mike comes in, yawns and sits on the chair, nearly falling asleep.

"What's up with dad?" She asks him.

"Him and I will have to go to Dubai for a week or so to sort out something important."


"Yes and Leila, since you are not eighteen yet I have hired a body guard for your safety." Her father explains as he walks in.

Oh shit!

Pinching the bridge of his nose with his two fingers, she senses this 'business trip' is getting to him.

"But daddy, do you really have to go? I mean I'm capable enough to look after myself, seriously I'm seventeen and 9 months, but mentally I'm eighteen." She pleaded.

"Sorry Leila, this is really important and I expect you to behave and treat this situation like an adult."

Leila grunted in return. She just wants the independence of doing everything herself, having a body guard just complicates things, she thought.

"Mike the taxi comes at 7am tomorrow, be ready by then, goodnight Leila. I love you."


"Love you too."


7am the next morning

Peering outside her window she watched her father get in the taxi, the driver packing his and Mike's in the boot. Waving from her window she sees him drive off into the distance.

"Your body guard will arrive soon" - father

"Ok, stay safe x" - Leila

Just as she hit send a black Audi pulls into her driveway. Running down the stairs Leila opens the doors and stands there, waiting.

Immediately he steps out, giving her property
A once-over with his silvery blue eyes. As his orbs reach hers a shiver goes down her spine.

The car drives away leaving the two. He steps closer and reaches the door.

"He smells so damn good" Leila tried to banish her naughty thoughts.

"You must be Leila Thorne, I'm Tobias Pacino." His deep voice vibrating her whole being causing excitement to rile up in her

"I'm here to protect you and serve your every need."


This is my first book, I've been on Wattpad for a few years and I absolutely love it!

A bit of background info on me :

I'm an Aussie female, I love animals and anything naughty. So if your not into sexy books STOP READING, but I think your going to miss out :)

I will try to update every third day, thank you for reading!

Copyright ©


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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