Looking back

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*Ember's POV*
I grabbed my things from the back of the taxi and look up to the huge building standing before me.
"This is my life now," I mumbled under my breath.
After paying the driver, I clumsily threw my bag over my shoulder and observed the people around me  as I walked towards Hillside University. This place was to be my home for the next few years, and that is a statement I haven't gotten to say before. I slid between  some girls hugging and squealing to their new roommates on my right and  some guys bro hugging to my left. Every now and then, a few girls would run up to me and then apologize for mistaking me for an old friend from home. This was the most attention I've received in months- no, years. Well, positive attention.
I sat down in one of the chairs in the lobby to catch my breath and just people watch a bit longer. I smiled to myself, thinking about how proud I was of myself. I got me here. I worked hard and finally made it here on my own. And most importantly, I didn't let my anxiety and depression get in the way of me leaving that old shack by the river in my home town. My past is not something to joke about at all, but now I get to look up at this beautiful university and remember how much effort I put into this journey, and my reward is standing right in front of me.
I finally snapped out of my daze and walked up to the reception desk.
"Hello, sweetie! Happy to be here, are we?" The lady said with a smirk. I guess I was still smiling.
"Where I come from, yes. I am happy to be here." I answer.
The small woman replied with a laugh, "what is your name dear?"
"Ember Hunt." The lady turned to her computer and began typing. After a while, she turned back to me with a set of keys.
"If you ever need anything, just come down here and ask for Heather" she winked.
I thanked her and followed several other students to the elevator. I winced in pain when my arm began to cramp up from holding my things, and managed to get the attention of a girl waiting for the elevator as well. Her long, blonde hair shone so beautifully, and her light blue eyes were icy, yet seemed like the kindest eyes I've ever seen. Her small frame only mounted up to about 5'6", about  the same as me.
"Can I help you carry anything?" The girl smiled. Her teeth were even perfect; pearly white and straight.
"Oh that's okay" I blushed of embarrassment.
She threw her arm over and grabbed some things despite my protests, "I insist! I'm Haylee, by the way. Room 423. And you are?"
"Thank you very much," i genuinely smile, something I haven't done in a long time," Ember. and I haven't checked my room number yet.." I pause and pull my keys out of my coat pocket. The large number on the side read Rm. 423. "Hey, it looks like we're roommates!" I say as I put my keys back.
"Great! I'm going to a party in a little bit, you should come!" She said as we walked off the elevator on our floor.
"I would but I don't really have clothes and I haven't unpacked and.." I start rambling but Haylee cuts me off. "It's fine! You could totally wear something of mine and I'll help you unpack tomorrow. Come on! It will be fun!" She grabs my arm.
I guess one party won't hurt...


Hey readers, I'm kind of new and some parts will probably be better than others so bear with me. Let me know what you think! I'm open to any suggestions. And yes I know the story isn't perfectly edited, but it will get there at some point. Right now, I'm just focusing on writing it. I plan to update quite often so hang in there! But most importantly, please please please message me if you need someone to talk to. I'm here for you!
With love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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