Evil Roommates

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"Here, drink this."

Cas took the glass and eyed it suspiciously. "What is it?"

Balthazar rolled his eyes. "Just drink it already."

Cas frowned at his friend. "I want to know what's in it."

"I mixed a few things together, alright? Just try it." Balthazar was practically begging now.

Cas brought the glass to his lips and swallowed the meager contents down, grimacing at the bitter taste. "Oh, God that was awful! What did you just-" He looked up at his friend to see the man was covering his eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Don't be mad at me, Cassie. Please?"

Wrong words to say. Cas sat up in his spot on the couch.

"What did you do?" he demanded. "What was in that drink?"

Balthazar took a few steps back, never removing his hands from his eyes. It was really starting to freak Cas out.

"So I was experimenting, with pheromones and such, and I thought I'd try my hand at a sort of...love potion. An aphrodisiac, if you will."

Cas shot up off the couch, sending the empty glass tumbling to the floor.

"You gave me what?! Why the hell would you do that?!"

Balthazar's hands lowered as he sighed deeply, but his eyes were still squeezed shut. "It's only temporary. The effects will last maybe twenty four hours."

Cas was ready to throttle his friend. "Look at me, you smug bastard. Why are you closing your eyes?"

"I can't, Cassie. The effects work when you make eye contact with another person and while I like you, Cassie, I do not have any desire to kiss you and hold your hand. But..." Balthazar's smile was wicked. "There is a man I know you would give anything to catch the attention of."

Cas' cheeks burned with his friend's teasing. "He doesn't even know I exist, and I can't just force him to like me. It wouldn't be for real. And then what, when it wears off he leaves, and I'm alone again? That's pretty shitty, even for you Balth."

"The serum I created simply gets the already present pheromones excited. It wouldn't take much work on your part to charm the pants off the man, both figuratively and literally. You'll want to be careful not to sweat too much or you'll be emitting pheromones like crazy." Balth still had that damn smug smile.

"It's freaking July! Of course I'm going to sweat! I hate you, you know that? I have classes today that I can't miss!" Cas stomped off in the direction of his room. As soon as Balthazar heard the door slam, he opened his eyes.

"You might hate me now, dear friend, but in just a couple of hours you'll be thanking me." He chuckled as he headed back into the spare bedroom that was doubling as his lab. Cas might also be angry with him, but he would also be >em>very grateful later.


Cas had three classes today, and all of them had his crush, Dean Winchester, in them. Before leaving his apartment he'd been sure to grab his darkest pair of sunglasses. There was no way he wanted random strangers falling in love with him, or thinking they were in love, if this stuff even worked. As he made the trek from the parking lot to his first class, he kept his eyes downcast, the fear that just a simple meeting of gazes could trigger something had him damn close to paralyzed. He avoided everyone as he slipped into his seat in the lecture hall. Two rows ahead and six seats over was where Dean sat. His eyes instinctively went there. The man was sitting in his seat, writing something in his notebook. His friend Charlie, a perky redhead that Cas himself found quite pleasant to talk to, was chatting away next to him. She glanced up at Cas, and he immediately looked down at his notebook. At least whatever Balthazar had created didn't have him feeling strange. His best friend was a budding chemist and had come up with some bizarre compounds over the last four years. When the professor walked in, Cas reluctantly removed his sunglasses and prayed his teacher was too far away for this crap to work. Keeping his eyes locked on his textbook, he missed the words Charlie whispered in Dean's ear, or the way Dean looked back over his shoulder at him. He just needed to get through these classes so he could go home and hide in his bedroom the rest of the weekend. Who knew if it would really just last twenty four hours or not? Balthazar's experiments weren't exactly predictable.

Love Potion #9Where stories live. Discover now