Chapter 1- Bad Pick Up Line

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Hey there. My name is Calvin, I'm 24 years old, and my life is basically a romantic comedy. Except without the comedy. Well, and the romance. That is, at least, what I used to think. Then something changed me. Something with a smirk and horrifically bad pick up lines.

It all started when my friend, Rylan, decided that we would go to a bar for his 21st birthday. No big deal, straight guys go to bars all the time. However, it was unbeknownst to me that the bar we would be going to was not by any means straight. If the rainbow connection that creepy frog puppet sings about constantly did exist, I bet you could have found it in the parking lot behind the building. It wasn't a big deal to me at first. Rylan had came out to me back when we were 12 years old have only grown even closer since. Plus I was straight, so I thought. The big deal turned out to be the something I was talking about earlier, the man who broke my heart.

As I walked into the bar with Rylan, I couldn't help but notice how different this bar was to any other I had been to through the years. It wasn't as crowded for one, and everyone was so much nicer. The fear of being out of place totally vanished. Forgetting what kind of bar I was at, I confidently walked up to the first girl I saw.

"Hey there." I said as seductively as I could manage. The girl and her friend just took a moment to stare at me as if I was missing out on a big piece of information. I quickly remembered where I was at and froze, blushing deeply. The two girls must have seen the terror on my face because they just laughed it off saying "It's fine" over and over.

I walked to the other side of the bar and sat down at a table by myself. I knew it would be impossible to try and find Rylan, who had probably found someone to hook up with already, so instead I just sat alone.

"You must be a landmark because my map says all roads lead to you." A voice beside me said suddenly. I looked to my left to see a guy about my age with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. His hair was shorter on the sides of his head and longer on the top where it curled into perfect mini ringlets. For some reason I really wanted to run my hand through it and separate the curls. Snapping out of my daydream, I began to process what the man had just said. What does that even mean? I thought to myself.

"It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line. Also, what did that one even mean?" I replied, trying to ignore the butterflies that had taken up residence in my stomach. The green eyed man just smirked at me.

"Well, well. We've got a sassy one don't we." The man teased. He grabbed the chair across from me and placed it right next to mine before sitting down. I gulped at the move. He smiled softly at me, his entire demeanor changing in a second.

"Relax, I just want to get to know you. I'm Alex." He said comfortingly. I sighed in relief.

"I'm Calvin." I had no objection to talking with this guy, but I didn't want to lead him on considering I'm straight.

We talked for hours while I had a few too many drinks which lead to me sitting on Alex's lap and playing with his perfect curls. As much as I liked girls, I couldn't help but like this beautiful man a lot more. He appeared to be just as content as I was and now had his arms around my waist.

"Are you gay or drunk?" Alex chuckling. Due to the drinks I had earlier, I didn't really know. I could barely form a sentence let alone think about something like that.

"Probably both." I replied giggling. Alex lifted me off of him and started to help me across the bar towards the exit. I didn't want to abandon Rylan, despite the fact that he had already done this to me earlier in the night, so I firmly planted my feet on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked me in a concerned tone.

"I don't want to leave my friend behind. I don't want to be alone." I said slightly frightened. He looked at me reassuringly and pulled me into a hug.

"I won't leave you alone, and I'm sure you're friend will be just fine on their own. How about I help you home?" And with that we started off down the street holding hands. I didn't quite remember how that happened.

"Do you like me?" I asked suddenly.

"Woah, that's a personal question Calvin. Why don't you take me on a date and maybe you'll find out?" He joked.

"Yeah, I guess," I nodded. Just then we walked by two girls who looked kind of familiar to me. As we walked past I heard one of the girls mention how I wasn't straight after all. I frowned at this and turned to Alex who seemed unaffected.

"Why do people think we're gay?" I asked confusedly. He laughed.

"Well, I don't know Calv. Probably because we're two dudes walking down the street holding hands."

We eventually made it to Alex's house, the rest of that night was a blur to me. In the morning I woke up very confused. This... doesn't look like my house. I thought to myself. Just then Alex walked into the room with a glass of water.

"Hey, look who has risen." He said with a warm smile.

I looked repeatedly from the bed to the green eyed man in the hopes that he would explain.

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything like that. But we always could now, if you want." He offered, winking seductively at me. I just frowned at him.

"Cut it out! I'm straight!" I yelled defensively. This news didn't seem to phase him much.

"You weren't straight yesterday." He said winking again.
Fast Forward A Year

"Oh my god! Could you stop acting like a child for once!" I yell at Alex angrily. We've been arguing pretty often for the past few months. Usually over some pretty stupid things too, such as who left a sock on the floor. It was stupid. Almost all of them were started by him.

"Could you stop acting like my parent for once!" He yelled back at me.

"Well maybe if you stop acting like an out of control kid I wouldn't have to act like your parent! We have to grow up sometime, Alex!" I shouted. He stood in place quietly looking at the floor.

"Says who?" He asked softly.

After that fight it became normal for us to be in the same room for hours at a time and not acknowledge the other's existence. I should have known he would turn to someone else for affection.

About a month after our fight I found out he was cheating on me.

"You have to pick." I say to him sternly. We sat in silence as I awaited his response. My heart broke when I realized what the silence meant.

"Alex, if you choose her over me and I swear I kill you." I said fighting back tears.

"Aw, I love it when you talk dirty to me." He said bitterly. A few minutes later he apologized, for which part I don't know. I told him I couldn't forgive him for what he had done, at least not right away. He must have taken this for something else because he scoffed and got up.

"Fine. I don't like this anyway."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused and hurt. He walked towards the door before stopping to turn around.

"Saying sorry for things I don't feel sorry for."


Now I know you're probably wondering why I would bother mentioning my ex-boyfriend at all in this, especially considering he broke my heart. The reason is because, as cheesy and cliché as it sounds, even though he broke my heart and left me I couldn't help but hope everyday that it would be the day he would come back to me. To apologize to me. And as much as I wish this was true, dear reader, it never did happen. But that doesn't mean that this story doesn't have a happy ending.

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