The Boy and Dog

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My name is Joseph. I am an orphan. The nuns, who have taken care of me, told me that I was left infront of their gate inside a box of carton. After seeing me, some of the nuns wanted to abandon me in the freezing cold night. Luckily, they still chose to take me in. I am now 7 years old. Didn't know anything about the world except about what family is.

The next years, on my birthday, I am now turning 10 of age. In our orphanage, being 10 years old is somewhat like a girl being 18 years old or a debut. Today, the nuns has a present for me. It's no ordinary gift from what I can see. They opened the door and I saw light; a miraculous light. Two people came in, a man and woman. They walked towards me and sat beside me. "He's adorable!" said the woman. I soon realized that I am about to be adopted. My mind filled with thoughts, my eyes sparkled with joy, and I felt chills all over my body. Soon, tears fell from my eyes; it was tears of joy. Although after a few years, my tears were wrong.

After taking me in, they gave me a room, toys, and food. This was more than any 10 year old could imagine.
But after years of enjoying my life with them, disaster happened.

When father returned from work, he had an angered face. I was waiting for him outside. He went near me and let out his anger to me. "You scum! You ruined this family!" are the words I heard before getting kicked out. As he said those words, He kicked me on my stomach. Tears came out of my eyes; it was tears of pain...and anger.

Soon, he threw me out of the house. He held me on my neck and forcefully threw me out of the gate. He flipped the bird on me. I was traumatized. If I hadn't moved on, that situation could've scarred me for life.

I was crying on the streets with my clothes all dirty. "I have no family" are the words that kept on spatting in my mind. The clouds turned dark. A breeze was felt on my neck. Little did I know, it started raining. I hate getting wet therefore I sat down near a tree to dry up. Soon, I fell asleep without knowing due to the exhaustion from physical and emotional pain. I hoped that everything was just a dream.

I woke up and still underneath the tree which have protected me from the rain. I cried silently; I wanted this to end. The people who see me just looks then leaves. Suicide might be an answer.

As I continuously cry, a dog came near me. It is very thin and is shaking. I soon realized that it was still wet. A sign that the rain managed to make him sick. It seems like we are both in the same situation; abandoned and sick. I chose to continue to walk and find some place with an empty stomach. The dog followed me. I did not know why but it seems to have understood that we are the same of situation.

//To Be Continued//

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