Grasp Reality

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“Hello,” I said, still staring into his eyes.

“Hello,” he replied, looking warmly into mine.  “We’ve been waiting for you, Serena.  We’ve been waiting for you a long time.  We’re so glad you could finally make it.”

“I know,” I answered simply.  A warm smile spread across my lips; I simply could not remember when was the last time that had happened.

“We have a special place all laid out for you; we hope you find it to your liking.”

“I will, I think I’ll find it an exquisite place to live.”

“That’s grand, just grand.”  He pulled me into a friendly, unyielding hug, assuring me I would be happy here.  Of course, I already knew that, otherwise why would I have dreamt about this place for years?  Or was it days?

“I know I’ll be happy here,” I told him wittingly.  He just smiled that warm smile; making me feel even more at home.  

“Did you know you have a gift, that rarely anyone else has?”

“Do I, now?  Please tell.”

“Never mind, you, I shouldn’t have brought it up.  I am not the one to say.”

“Who is?” I cocked my head to the side and pulled slightly away from our embrace.

“Time will only tell.”  I didn’t know if he was using a metaphor, or a name, but at that moment, I cared not.  The only thing I cared about was the present, where I was now.  The only place I wanted to be.  The only place I wanted to exist in.  My former family couldn’t understand that; but this was my life.  Actually, literally, this was my world.

“Should we get you settled in, now, Serena?”  But my eyes were closed and his voice was fading and I found that I wasn’t tucked in the warm embrace of him, but of a metal bedpost.  Not again, oh no.  .  .not again.

Grasp RealityWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt