Part 1- The First Day

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"Are we there yet?" cried Sophia. "Yes honey about two minutes left" replied her mother. Moving to a whole new place, leaving behind her family and friends was not easy for Sophia. They were moving to Las Vegas from New York. Adapting had never been easy for Sophia, she always had problems in making friends. So Sophia was this beautiful introvert girl. She had stayed in New York for about 12 years and in these twelve years, she had made just one really good friend, Angie. Leaving her was a nightmare, Sophia was not really good in making friends you know. They reached their house near a remote area, the house though was really good but Sophia some how couldn't enjoy the new surroundings. The first thing she could think of after reaching home was calling Angie. She called her. "Hey there" said Sophia "Hello" Angie replied "you've reached? How's the house?" asked Angie "Yeah it's beautiful! " " Great, I'll talk to you later Sophi got to do my homework " " yeah sure Bye " " Bye " Sophia thought that she can make new friends and even if she couldn't, she has to manage for her mother. Sophia thought about it and gave the place a second chance, the place wasn't that bad anyways in fact it was quite beautiful. She helped her mother unpacking things and within a blink of eye the sun had set and the day had finished. For Sophia it was hard mingling with the surroundings but she managed somehow. On her bed, she was constantly thinking of what tomorrow is going to bring.

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